Title: 金氧半壓控石英振盪器溫度補償電路之研究
Study on Temperature Compensated Architecture for Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
Authors: 吳建樺
Jian-Hua Wu
Yao-Huang Kao
Keywords: 溫度補償壓控石英振盪器;溫度補償電路;三次方電路;TCVCXO;temperature compensated circuit;cubic circuit
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 本論文提出一新型電路架構,使用金氧半製程完成一個應用於溫度補償壓控石英振盪器之可調式溫度補償電路。架構中包含能隙參考電壓源、一次方電路、三次方電路,利用可調式增益電路、標準電壓源以及定電流源穩定主動電路使不受溫度影響。針對製程、電源以及溫度偏差所造成的可能誤差,對其進行分析討論。同時建立一套調整機制,在 使石英振盪器的頻率穩定度在2.05ppm以內。再依數學模型建構一個Matlab系統,以便能快速準確地設置調整開關。
The paper proposes a novel architecture, which generates a temperature- compensated voltage for TCVCXO using CMOS process. The architecture contains Bandgap Voltage Reference, linear equation curve circuit, Cubic Circuit…., we use Variable Gain Circuit, Bandgap Voltage Reference to overcome the problem cased by temperature variation. We analyze the error caused by process, voltage reference, and the temperature deviation. We propose a tuning mechanism , and we can compensate them well( ) even the VCXO has different property. And we propose a system program to set the switches quickly and exactly.
Appears in Collections:Thesis