标题: 阶层式分码多工系统在多媒体服务下导向性功率之设计与分析
An Analytical Approach for Pilot Power Ratio Design in Hierarchical CDMA Systems with Multi-Class Services
作者: 郑叔依
shu-yi cheng
Li-Chun Wang
关键字: 导向性功率;使用者密度;阶层式系统;分码多工系统;Pilot power ratio;user density;hierarchical cellular system;CDMA systems
公开日期: 2002
摘要: 由于良好的抗干扰与有效使用频谱等特性,分码多工存取系统(CDMA)已成为第三代无线通讯里最有潜力的技术。本论文之目的在藉由推导理想的导向性功率(Pilot Power)数学模式以求得其最佳的导向性功率比例,以便能够增大系统之容量。从涵盖范围的观点来看,较大的导向性功率可以有较大的涵盖范围。然而,若从功率分配的观点来看,越大的导向性功率会使得负载通道的信号分配到比较小的功率。因此,在导向性功率与传输功率中间存在一个最佳的比例,能让系统的容量达到最大。
在下一代的无线通讯需求中,随着数据使用量的提升,包含上网浏览WWW、接收信件E-mail、影像传输等多样化的服务需求将加入原本只有单纯语音服务的行列。在这样多媒体服务的环境下,为满足不同服务的品质需求 (QoS),将使得资源管理变得更为复杂。也由于多媒体服务的产生,系统中存在有某个小区域拥有较高负载的这种情形将常常发生。在此种异质性网路下,系统功率调配的技术便须要重新考量。
Heterogeneous cellular architectures have posed a new challenge
on the design for the CDMA system. This paper presents an
analytical framework to determine the optimal pilot power ratio
with the goal of maximizing the CDMA system capacity with
different cell sizes and structures. From the coverage
perspective, larger pilot power leads to a larger coverage area.
However, from a power budget standpoint, the more the pilot power
for the control channel, the less the signal power for the traffic
channels. Thus, there exists an optimal ratio between the pilot
power and the traffic signal power from the capacity maximization
perspective even in a single cell environment.
Furthermore, in the environment with multiple cells, a large pilot
power may indirectly cause stronger interference to other
neighboring macrocells or the embedded microcell due to higher
transmission power from the user terminals. The mobile terminals
need to increase transmission power to maintain the uplink signal
quality when they are located at the cell boundary of a larger
cell due to a larger pilot power. Consequently, it is important
to incorporate the inter-cell interference into the design of
pilot power for the CDMA system.
In this paper, we derive analytical expressions for the optimal
pilot power ratio in both the homogeneous cellular systems and the
heterogeneous microcell/macrocell overlaying systems. Our proposed
analytical framework takes account of the impact of co-channel
interference, non-uniform user density, and cell sizes. Compared
to the traditional fixed pilot power ratio method in a
hierarchical cellular system, our results show that the proposed
analytical pilot design approach can increase the capacity by
23.1\% with non-uniform user density and by 16.9\% with uniform
user density, respectively.