Title: 主動陣列天線暨相移器設計應用於28 GHz視訊系統
An Active Beam-Switching Transmitting Antenna Array And Phase Shifter Designs For 28Ghz Video-Relay System
Authors: 蔡耀賢
Yao-xian Tsay
Shyh-Jong Chung
Keywords: 主動陣列天線暨相移器設計應用於28 GHz視訊系統;An Active Beam-Switching Transmitting Antenna Array And Phase Shifter Designs For 28Ghz Video-Relay System
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 摘要 本論文針對應用於28 GHz視訊系統的主動陣列天線提出系統架構說明以及電路構裝實現。主動陣列天線是由8路高頻發射單元搭配嵌入式平面天線所構成,而其中每一組高頻發射單元是由混頻器、驅動放大器、影像訊號消除濾波器還有功率放大器所組合而成。主動陣列天線可利用此8組功率放大器造成輻射功率加強的效果。另一方面,中頻電路部份將中頻訊號分成8路而每一路經過一相位轉換器再接到高頻發設單元的混頻器部份,透過中頻的相位轉換將高頻波束的方向改變。最後,討論三種可應用於28 GHz視訊系統的相位轉換器做軟體分析和實作驗證。
Abstract This thesis presents the architecture and circuit design of a high power active beam-steering antenna array for 28GHz Video-Relay System. The antenna array is composed of eight RF transmitters connected with inset-fed patch antennas. Each RF transmitter includes an MMIC power amplifier, a driver amplifier and a sub-harmonic Mixer with image rejection filter. The active array utilizes these 8 MMIC power amplifiers to transmit high power. On the other hand, the IF circuitry distributes to the IF signal into eight way so each way passing through phase shifter connects to the mixer in RF transmitter. Thus, the antenna array could switch beam by controlling phase shifter. Finally, in order to design a miniaturized phase shifter , three type of phase shifter was discussed and fabricated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis