Title: 六軸運動平台之即時故障診斷
On-line Troubleshooting of the 6 Degree-of-Freedom Platform
Authors: 黃柏瑞
Dr. Wei-Hua Chieng
Dr. Kan-Ping Chin
Keywords: 故障診斷;運動控制;Troubleshooting;Motion Control
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 時至今日,結合機電整合、PC-Based Motion Control、和虛擬實境的高度整合六軸運動平台技術已日趨成熟。而以這種技術為基礎所發展的即時動態模擬系統在新一代的高科技娛樂和模擬訓練的領堿中也漸漸地被應用。使用者進入一個機電系統所模擬的動態虛擬世界並且結合聲光效果及感官刺激,而有身歷其境的感受,以達到娛樂或操控訓練的目的。而為了提高整個運動平台系統的可靠度和安全性,我們必須對機台可能發生的各種故障狀況進行整體性的研究。 所以本論文最主要的目的就是針對一實際的六軸運動平台,以安全監控的角度,對於機台整體系統,包含硬體構成和軟體架構,在不同的操作狀況下可能發生的故障情形做一完整的分析,並且設計其相對應的軟硬體安全防護措施,完成能夠即時監控整個系統的錯誤診斷系統,藉此達到預防事故發生、安全操控的目的,並且進一步地改善此種系統維修不易的缺點。 而此錯誤診斷系統所具有的功能是收集來自電源、動力系統及致動器等單元之訊號,執行即時偵測和失效分析,診斷系統狀態,根據安全邏輯宣告警告或失效,並且能夠在第一時間自動做出相對應的防護措施,達到即時防護的安全措施。
For mechanical engineer, it is so exciting once a machine starts running. There usually comes a time, however, when the machine stops running. Unfortunately, for the most part, the troubleshooting process is not always clear. Many times the problem and reasons why the machine goes down are unexplainable. Troubleshooting of mechatronical equipment is a vast subject and varying degrees of troubleshooting exist based on the expertise of the troubleshooter. The main purpose of this thesis is discussing about an on-line troubleshooting method for a real six degree-of-freedom Stewart platform system based on a micro PLC that could generates rules helps the technicians to find out why the machine broken down and get it back on line.
Appears in Collections:Thesis