Title: | 振動圓柱對渠道內熱流場影響之研究 Effects of oscillating cylinder on heat transfer and flow characteristics in a channel |
Authors: | 童寶鴻 Bao-hong Tong 傅武雄 Wu-Shung Fu 機械工程學系 |
Keywords: | 管道流;管道熱傳;震盪圓柱;ALE 法;channel flow;heat transfer;oscillation cylinder;ALE method |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 本研究利用數值方法分析管道內裝置往復運動的圓柱之後,對圓柱以及管道壁面附近速度以及溫度場的影響;並利用流場可視化技術以及熱傳量測實驗,驗證數值計算的結果,且進一步探討往復振盪運動的圓柱對管道內壁面以及當管道內加裝凸塊時熱傳的增益。在數值方面,本研究採用Aribitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE)座標描述系統,配合葛拉金有限元素法,處理此種流體與固體介面間相互影響的問題。首先探討在管道內於振盪圓柱提升管道內熱傳效率的機制,並且探討不同的振幅、振盪頻率、雷諾數以及圓柱與管道之間的偏心率、圓柱障礙比等重要參數;進而探討當管道內加裝凸塊時,振盪圓柱在不同狀態下,對管道內凸塊表面的熱傳效率影響。在實驗部分,分別以量測壁面溫度,估算壁面紐塞數以及流場可視化技術觀測流場結構的方式與數值結果相互印證。
由研究結果得知,在流場中圓柱進行往復式的振盪運動,受到圓柱牽引的效應,使管道內的流體呈現上下振盪的現象,引導流體像壁面衝擊,擾亂在圓柱後方壁面的流場,為提高熱傳效率的主要機制。此外,當圓柱振盪的頻率接近流場的自然振盪頻率時,會與管道內的流體產生共振的現象,此現象能夠大幅的增加流體的擾動,並且擾亂管道內的流場以及溫度場,產生較佳的熱傳增益。 The study investigates the heat transfer enhancement by a reciprocated oscillating cylinder in a channel flow. The characteristics of flow and thermal fields are analyzed both numerically and experimentally. In the numerical analysis, a Galerkin finite element formulation with arbitrary Langrangian-Eulerian method is adopted to solve the flow and thermal fields. The heat transfer rate is estimated by measuring the temperature of the heat plate, and the flow structure is observed by flow visualization technique. The results show that the oscillating cylinder induces the flow vibration. This phenomenon would disturb the flow and thermal fields in the channel flow, and the heat transfer rate in the channel would be enhanced. Furthermore, as the oscillating frequency of the cylinder approach the natural vortex shedding frequency, because of the phenomenon of resonance in the channel flow, and the heat transfer rate is enhanced more remarkably. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/70805 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |