Title: 血糖生化檢測之研究
Exploring biochip as a tool for blood glucose determination
Authors: 張可欣
Ko-Hsin Chang
Dr. Yaw-Kuen Li
Keywords: 血糖;blood glucose
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 血糖生化檢測之研究 學生:張可欣 指導教授:李耀坤 教授 國立交通大學應用化學研究所 摘要 為建立一完善的血糖生化檢測系統,本研究擬建立glucose oxidase (GOD)與glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) 兩偵測系統於晶片上,並利用反應初始速率來描述酵素催化反應與血糖濃度之關係。 首先分別定義酵素活性單位來解決酵素定量的問題,接著在血液酸鹼度 ( pH 7.2 ~ pH 7.4) 下的磷酸鹽緩衝液中順利完成兩偵測系統之葡萄糖的偵測條件。此外,為探討血液中其他醣類於偵測上之干擾程度,也針對酵素之受質特異性作研究,結果發現無論是GOD或GDH其對葡萄糖均具極高的專一性。 在第一代的晶片偵測系統上,已成功於GOD系統中建立起磷酸鹽緩衝液內葡萄糖濃度(0.1 mM ~ 20 mM)之偵測條件,並以毛細現象原理,將樣品以側向注入垂直重力偵測槽之方法,解決紅血球的物理干擾現象。然而將建構好的偵測系統用於第二代晶片或臨床測試的結果發現,在有效的電壓範圍內 (1.5V~2.0V),順利偵測到壓降變化與受質濃度之關係,並建立初步葡萄糖偵測檢量線。不過未來需提昇訊號轉換器的解析度,如此才能做更精確的偵測。 一個快速,精確的靜脈血糖值檢測對糖尿病患自身血糖的監控是很重要的,應此如何建立一完善的血糖生化檢測系統便是本研究之最終目的。
Exploring biochip as a tool for blood glucose determination Student: Ko-Hsin Chang Advisor : Dr. Yaw-Kuen Li Department of Applied Chemistry National Chiao Tung University Abstrate To build an accurate, fast and user-friendly system for diabetes is our main purpose of this study. A novel blood sugar detection system has been developed by integrating a CMOS chip with biochemical catalysis. The precise glucose concentration is calculated based on the standard calibration curve and the initial rate of the coupling enzymatic reaction catalyzed by glucose oxidase and peroxidase. For preliminary detection, the CMOS chip was integrated with a commercial A/D converter and the output signal was further collected and processed by PC. With this system, the glucose concentration can be accurately detected in the range of 0.1 mM to 25 mM. A second generation of chip was further designed by adding the signal amplification feature to enhance the output signal. A stand-alone system is further built and tested on its function. Although the proto-type of this system needs to be improved, it is the first CMOS-base glucose detection system. In addition, the catalytic function of glucose dehydrogenease is also under development for glucose detection.
Appears in Collections:Thesis