标题: 由共振腔决定虚光阑克尔锁模雷射非线性动力学的研究
Study on Cavity Configuration Dependent Nonlinear Dynamics of the Soft-aperture Kerr-lens Mode-locked Laser
作者: 林家弘
Ja-Hon Lin
Wen-Feng Hsieh
Hsiao-Hua Wu
关键字: 克尔透镜;锁模;虚光阑;浑沌;谐频锁模;多脉冲;相位回溯;基因演算法;Kerr-lens;mode-locking;soft-aperture;chaos;harmonic mode locking;multiple pusing;phase retrieval;genetic algorithm
公开日期: 2002
摘要: 本论文叙述我们实验上研究虚光阑克尔锁模雷射与共振腔有关非线性动力学的现象。首先为了探讨虚光阑克尔锁模雷射的机制,我们量测钛蓝宝石雷射连续波功率输出时发现不连续的功率凹陷区域,虚光克尔锁模就发生在这些不连续的区域并且伴随着特殊的空间模态输出。利用理论上线性叠加低阶横模的模态拟合量测到的虚光栏锁模模态,我们认为克尔锁模的模态是由基模与低阶简并的横模相位锁定所构成。由于所观察到的锁模模态已被广泛的实验上观察到,这个发现将可做为虚光阑克尔锁模的指引。
In this dissertation, we have experimentally studied the cavity configuration dependent nonlinear dynamics of the SAKLM Ti:sapphire. To study the mechanisms of the soft-aperture
Ti:sapphire KLM, we have experimentally measured the CW output power as the cavity detuning and found the KLM occur at the discrete power dips corresponding to the degenerate configuration with the peculiar mode patterns. By spatially correlating the SAKLM mode patterns with the linear superposition of the selected transverse mode patterns, we found the SAKLM patterns are attributed to phase locking of the fundamental mode with the low order degenerate transverse modes. Because the beam patterns are widely reported in many laboratories, it is a variable guidance for the optimization of the SAKLM laser.
To experimentally prove the theoretical prediction of the irregular behavior of KLM laser at the specific configurations, we operate the laser at G1G2=1/2 and G1G2=1/4 and find the period-2 and period-3 pulses. It is most likely resulting from the Kerr nonlinearity induced the low order resonance as our theoretical prediction. By choosing the pump power and cavity detuning as the control parameter while the cavity is operated around the 1/3-degenerate configuration, the detail route from the three-frequency interaction to chaos is observed. The laser is operated within the nonzero GVD region as our theoretical prediction so that it is obvious different from the larger nonlinearity induced chaos when the laser is at the zero GVD regime and the shortest pulse.
The harmonic mode locking is first observed at the specific GVD in the KLM laser without saturable absorber due to the pulse drift by the gain dynamics. In addition, the multiple nanosecond
and femtosecond splitting pulses are also experimentally noted.
An investigation of the laser operated in these regimes in terms of wavelength, bandwidth, pulsewidth, average, and peak powers as functions of group velocity dispersion shows that unequally spaced pulses take place at shorter wavelength than that of equally spaced pulses. In conjunction with the information of gain profile for amplifying medium and
wavelength-dependent bandwidth limited reflectance for mirrors suggest that the unequally nanosecond splitting pulse will undergo larger losses. By introduce a loss difference
of the pulses into gain dynamic analysis, we find that multiple pulses with unequal spacing between the pulses can be achieved only with tiny loss differences. Finally, the retrieved envelope and phase from femotsecocnd-split two and three pulses can be obtained by the genetic algorithm (GA). A large nonlinear chirp is also observed between two pulses
by the second order differentiation of retrieved phase. It might be the reason of the pulse splitting.