Title: 以基因區域搜尋演算法設計繞射型濾波元件
Design of Diffractive Filter with Genetic Local Search Algorithm
Authors: 張維中
Wei-Chung Chang
Mao-Hong Lu
Keywords: 繞射光學元件;基因演算法;基因區域搜尋演算法;濾波器;最佳化;共軛梯度法;DOE;Genetic Algorithm;Genetic Local Search Algorithm;Filter;Optimization;Conjugate Gradient
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 以繞射理論為基礎為基礎發展出來的繞射光學元件,較傳統光學元件具有體積小、重量輕、適合量產等優點,且設計的自由度較大可以在單一元件上實現許多不同功能,使得繞射光學元件備受重視。 本論文結合基因演算法和共軛梯度法,發展出具有收斂快速且是全域最佳化的基因區域搜尋演算法。而繞射光學元件本身的特殊色散效果,利用此一演算法設計純相位型的繞射型濾波元件,使其達到窄波段濾波與聚焦的功能。
The diffractive optical elements (DOEs) based on diffraction theory have the advantages of small size, light weight, flexibility and suitable for mass production, which are hardly provided by traditional optical elements. Recently, DOEs become more and more attractive. In this thesis, we combine the genetic algorithm (GAs) and conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm to develop a global and fast-convergence algorithm, called genetic local search algorithm (GLSA). The diffractive optical elements have uniquely dispersive property, so we use this algorithm to design a diffractive filtering device which has both narrow-band filtering and focusing functions.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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