Title: | 以供應鏈因應彈性需求運籌體系之研究─以智邦科技公司為例 Build A Highly Flexible Operation System Chain Mangement: A Case Study of Accton Technology |
Authors: | 劉宗寶 David Liu 韓復華 Dr. Anthony F. Han 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 供應鏈管理;關鍵成功因素;平衡記分卡;網路產業;supply chain management;key successful factor;balance score card;industry of network |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 今日台灣廠商在面對各種外在的競爭壓力及國內外廠商的競爭優勢下,不斷的蛻變與轉型,使得網路設備事業的發展趨勢逐漸由單純製造模式的主要競爭型態,轉變為以全球運籌供應鏈模式的製造、銷售為主要競爭力的時代,以搶攻快速變動的市場。本研究以具潛力網路設備產業為範圍,研究如何在強大的外部競爭壓力下以能夠因應高度彈性需求的供應鏈模式,達成縮短交貨期限、控制庫存,進而提升競爭力,讓企業永續經營。為先了解網路設備產業供應鏈的競爭情形與未來產業發展趨勢。本研究引用管理大師麥克波特教授五力分析模式所引申出各種競爭策略理論架構。利用供應鏈管理、供應商管理存貨系統及持續補貨規劃系統,以提升供應鏈績效,降低存貨成本。另外在企業資源規劃、電子供應鏈管理與全球運籌管理之課題,對製造產業來說皆是相當重要的課題。
關鍵成功因素必須依據現在產品發展方向正確,並且具備滿足顧客需要的需求如產品設計、操作功能及對客戶服務/技術服務方面完整而有效率規劃,因此掌握關鍵成功因素即掌握競爭優勢。優質的人才選任亦是組織極重要的一項工作,有了適當優質人才,組織創新與組織的成長才能得以實現。而今日快速變動的市場與日新月異的科技,更加強了組織對優質的人才的重視,才能永續發展,進而不斷進步成長。高階領導者更需思考,如何打造出一個使組織能夠不斷成功地孕育創新與持續創新的彈性供應鏈競爭環境。 The company of network equipments is facing a strong challenge from interior and foreign competitor. And enterprises must address supply chain management challenges of manufacturing, sales and winning market share. This study considers on the industry of network equipments, to understand how a flexible supply chain can shorten the lead time of delivery, support inventory control and increase the competitiveness of the enterprises. M. Porter’s five force methodology is applied to analyse enterprises’ business operations and make the suitable competition strategies. And other support systems like Vendor-Managed Inventory, Continuous Replenishment Planning, are considered to cooperate to reduce the cost of inventory and promote the efficiency of business operations. Flexible supply chain helps to meet customers’ requirement. And supply chain management is very important from staring with the receipt of a purchase order, and involves raw material delivery, production, manufacturing of the finished goods and on-time delivery to customers. Taiwanese industry of network equipments is now changing from being manufacturing-intensive to being innovation-intensive, and must build core competencies inside companies to face out-side competition. The key successful factors that must be leveraged in product development to meet customers’ requirements, include for example, product design, functionality and customer service/technology support. Today, with a flexible market, people also must be trained to outstanding levels to use their abilities facing challenges. It is very important for enterprises’ development and competition. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71153 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |