Title: | 企業組織生命力管理指標之研究─以冷凍空調廠為例 Study on Vitality Index of Enterprise for an Air Condition Factory |
Authors: | 黃金樟 Jin-Jung Huang 梁馨科 Dr. Shing-Ko Liang 管理學院工業工程與管理學程 |
Keywords: | 生產力;競爭力;生命系統理論;生命力管理指標;Productivity;Competitiveness;Living Systems Theory;Vitality Index |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 網際網路與高科技產業蓬勃發展,促進今日時代不同領域、不同層次、不同內容、不同工作形式的溝通與互動,一時之間,世界變動之快,讓人們感到不再有一以貫之的道理可循。企業組織也是一樣,隨著市場全球化、產品國際化的趨勢,越來越多的世界級、財團型的組織遭受產業艱鉅的挑戰,混沌不明而無所適從,更有甚者,從競爭的市場爭奪戰下落敗,機會不再。
本研究擬針對企業「生命力」加以探討,並嘗試建構一套生命力指標,以提供企業界一新的思考角度和評估模式。我們認為,企業組織生命力管理指標概念性探討,將有助於處於企業內部和外部的人觀看企業的現狀,並能像醫師檢測個體一般,找出企業績效不彰之問題所在,進而協助企業改善經營績效和事業本體。 In recent years rapid growth of the internet and high technology industry has accelerated interaction among people from different fields and levels on a wide variety of subjects and activities. With this change the adequacy of many well- established rules that have governed human interaction for ages is suddenly in question. The same can be said for enterprises. There are more and more world class companies and financial groups facing severe challenges in the midst of market globalization due to lack of clear direction. Companies that cannot adapt to the changes fail to compete with others and have become the victims of modernization. It is becoming increasingly more difficult in current business environment for enterprises to reconcile the pace at which business environment is evolving based on exist practices. Past effort to promote a company’s productivity and uplift its competitiveness, although it remains as the driving force for a company to move forward, is now hardly enough to guarantee its long-term success. Therefore for business owners and people working in a business environment, it is worthwhile to take a step back to understand the nature of the business management and to explore if there is other step that needs to be taken. In this paper we study the impact of vitality on corporations and propose a “Vitality Index” model for the enterprises to evaluate their performances from a different approach. It is our goal that understanding of the vitality index will help investors and corporate management recognize the company’s operating bottlenecks, identify their root causes, and eventually improve the company’s performance and its business structure. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71229 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |