Title: 台灣電子製造業與傳統產業推行VMI管理機制之異同比較與分析研究~以晶圓代工業與汽車業為例
Comparison and Analysis of VMI Management Mechanism In Taiwan’s Electronic and Traditional Industries ~ With IC Foundries and the Automobile Industry as Examples
Authors: 楊政寧
Dr. Sue-Fung Wang
Keywords: 供應商管理存貨;汽車業;電子業;VMI;Automobile Industry;IC Foundries
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 隨著台灣加入世界貿易組織,及大陸全力發展經濟與科技之威脅,日益劇烈的產業競爭,使得臺灣企業為維持本身的競爭優勢,無論在科技技術的創新或效率的提昇,均竭盡所能地追求產業的領先地位。然而,為同時因應庫存成本的降低及市場需求的不確定,在物料需求的規劃上便更加的重要,因此,透過上下游之密切合作,追求供應鍊資源利用之最佳化,VMI便成為目前企業從事供應鍊管理之最佳工具之一。其中電子製造業與傳統產業,即已逐步邁入VMI之管理推行。本研究之目的即在瞭解電子製造業及傳統產業推行VMI管理機制時,對下游顧客之風險狀況及上游供應商應具備的能力與基礎,以及藉由各產業間之差異比較,尋出異同原因,並提出建議,以提供企業界之管理與學術研究之參考。 然而,透過對晶圓代工業與汽車業之調查與比較,發現VMI之管理機制與產業之特性確實存在著某種關聯,而企業在進行VMI之規劃時,亦應瞭解本身所處之市場環境,並在執行觀念與細節上做適當之修正。本研究參考相關文獻設計出五個主要調查構面,分別為: 1.供應商之資格要求 2.物料短缺對顧客之影響 3.執行內容重點 4.對供應商信賴之程度 5.執行之效益 透過對晶圓代工業與汽車業調查分析與推論,瞭解因產業特性之差異,而造成VMI之異同狀況及其原因,亦從中推導出企業推行VMI之重點與方向建議,期望這些推論與發現,能提供台灣之企業在推行VMI管理機制時,能注意各個成功關鍵之因素,以期能提高VMI之執行成效。
The ever-increasing competition resulting from technology and economic development in Mainland China, and joining the World Trade Organization has caused a threat to Taiwan’s industries. In order to uphold competitive advantage, Taiwan’s industries went all out in technology innovation and promoting work efficiency, and came up with a number of new management theories, including Total Quality Management (TQM), Customer Relation Management (CRM) and Vendor Management Inventory (VMI). For most companies, lowering inventory costs and dealing with the uncertainty of market demands have made inventory planning a major concern. Therefore, through intensive communication and collaboration between vendor and client, and optimizing the use of resources within the supply chain, VMI has become one of the most effective tools for supply chain management. The electronic manufacturing industry and traditional industries in Taiwan have recently begun to gradually promote and apply the VMI management method. Through comparing and analyzing the IC foundry industry and the automobile industry, this research has found that a direct connection exists between the VMI management method and the various characteristics of different industries. While planning through the VMI management method, companies must clearly understand the market environment they are in, and make modifications in the implementation concepts and details in accordance with the market environment. This thesis has referred to a number of reference materials to design five main research structures, which are, respectively, the supplier’s qualification requirements, the affects of material shortage to the customer, the focus of implementation, the reliability of the supplier, and the benefits of implementing the VMI method. Through researching and analyzing the IC foundry industry and the automobile industry, this thesis hopes to better understand the differences and similarities if VMI in different industries, and to suggest a direction for implementing the VMI method. Hopefully, these conclusions and findings will provide a reference for Taiwan’s industries in determining the key success factors of VMI, and promote the efficiency of VMI implementation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis