Title: 台灣專業軟體服務公司經營之成功關鍵要素探討
The Success Factors Study of Taiwan Professional Software Service Companies
Authors: 邱康勉
楊 千
Dr. Chyan Yang
Keywords: 專業軟體服務業;成功關鍵要素;professional software service;critical success factor
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 專業軟體服務業之經營理念與策略與其他商用軟體及大眾化套裝軟體畢竟同,首先從文獻探討中了解,台灣在發展此類專業軟體服務業之條件及利基為何?藉由兩個傑出之成功個案研究-鼎新與思源,分析出其策略運用之共同性及獨特性,分別以外部環境與內部環境因素來探討之。可為後續進入專業軟體服務業的廠商參考。 研究發現外部環境觀點,影響層面隨產品種類不同而有所差異。 1.科技技術環境面:軟體本身或服務都是依附於網際網路而發展與創新。專業軟體服務公司也必須在能在網際網路世界裡找到新的定位。 2.產業環境面:台灣接近大陸市場且具華人文化跟語言上之優勢,可充份發揮現有軟體與服務解決方案的價值。 3.政治法律環境:善用政府對軟體產業的獎勵與扶植措施,增進公司的曝光率及衍生的商機。 4.社會環境:須先找出易於接受此產品的顧客群。集中資源,全力取得新客戶的信任。 內部環境觀點,則以經營策略、行銷、人力資源、研發與生產與財務管理分別探討之: 1.經營策略:國際化必須是經營策略的目標。軟體與服務一定要加值。 2.行銷管理:建構產銷專業分工體系,有效的利用彼此的資源,以利國際市場開發。 3.人力資源管理:重視原創能力的激發及培養。 4.研究發展與生產管理:著重於嚴謹的軟體工程,有效的軟體發展程序與品質監控機制。 5.財務管理:充沛的資金來源,以爭取更多的優秀人才,增強市場的開拓力及更深入的研發能力
The business strategy and philosophy of professional software service companies are different from those software companies who provide enterprise solution system and mass-market products. What is the prerequisite and niche advantage for Taiwan professional software service companies to be successful? How to play as an important role on worldwide market? This thesis tries to figure out the common and different unique strategy from two case studies – SpringSoft and Data Systems. It is expected this study could be a good reference for the new software companies who intend to explore professional service business. The conclusions of this thesis are derived from external and internal successful factors. Regarding external perspective, the influence level by these factors could be varied due to different product and service provided. 1. Information technology trend: both the software product and service have to be built upon Internet to reflect the new IT trend. 2. Industry-wide environment: it is necessary to fully realize the industrial structure for effectively deploying global market. Especially, China market is with the advantages of similar culture and same language. The fence is relatively low for entering. 3. Political and law factor: the supporting and incentive system from government will contribute much to a growing software company. 4. Society environment: identifying the major customers who really need the solution is emphasized to reduce resource dissipation and create best performance. Regarding internal perspective: 1. Business strategy: globalization is the company target. Service need to be emphasized its own value. 2. Marketing strategy: marketing can be outsourcing to professional sales companies who has more understanding on local culture and custom. Leverage effort between each other to speed up the world-wide market exploring. 3. Human resource management: company culture should be built to trigger and encourage innovation. 4. Development management: software development should be strictly controlled by software engineering for code re-use and quality control. 5. Finance management: keep good financial status to retain talent and support better product and solution development.
Appears in Collections:Thesis