Title: 網路多媒體評量與學習診斷系統之建置
The Design and Implementation of a Web-based Multimedia Cognitively Diagnostic Test and Learning System
Authors: 劉奕樟
I-Chang Liu
Dr. Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 網路多媒體評量;學習診斷系統;S-P表分析;思考敏捷度;解題能力;Web-based Multimedia Cognitively Diagnostic Test;Web-based Multimedia Cognitively Diagnostic Learning System;S-P chart (S-P score table);nimbleness of thinking;problem solving ability
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 摘要 本研究的目的是提出一個多媒體測驗系統與學習診斷系統,系統的設計以S-P表分析理論為骨幹,配合現代測驗分析理論,以網路應用程式實作出來。並改進了以往S-P表分析應用的限制,將數據以文字性的描述語解讀,並立即回饋給學生及老師,充分達到診斷的效益。 計算能力的快慢,思考反應的快慢,推理能力的強弱,學習的快慢,這些都是了解學生個別差異非常重要的因素,這在S-P表分析理論中並無提及。本論文新定義了思考敏捷度與解題能力這兩個分析變項,希望更能找出學生學習上的差異。在增加了思考敏捷度與解題能力的分析變相後,系統更能找出學生真正的病因,修正診斷的有效性,提供更精確的診斷處方簽。 為了了解學生到底哪裡不懂?是什麼概念不懂?系統針對學生每一試題作答反應資料作詳盡的的統計分析,找出學生學習真正不懂之處。分別列出學生達成的能力指標、達成的概念指標,以及未達成的能力指標、未達成的概念指標,並依據分析數據,分別提出分析的綜合建議、學生應再加強學習的能力指標與應再加強學習的概念指標等等,幫助教師不易了解學生個別差異的缺點,並讓學生充分了解自己該加強學習的地方。在教師全班性的教學方面,系統亦能針對全班作答的答案,作全班性的能力指標與概念指標的統計,最後列出了全班的教學建議表,提供教師作全班性的補救教學。 本系統提供教師輕易地建立多媒體試卷來評量學生的多元智慧,分析學生的作答反應資料。分別開立出試題處方簽協助教師改進命題技巧。開立出學生處方簽,讓學生了解自己學習不足之處。開立出教學建議表,提供老師了解教學尚待加強的地方。這些結果可協助教師了解學習的現況,協助教師改善教學的缺失,以及協助教師依據學生的個別差異給予適性的教學。
abstract For years, instructors has been using cognitively diagnostic test to help in understanding the learning progress or results of their students and to evaluate if the giving test is designed appropriately or not. Based on the evaluation from the diagnostic test result, instructor may suggest or give students additional treatments on the subject area that they do not meet the required performance. The S-P (Student-Problem) chart has been used for this purpose for a long time. However, the current S-P chart pays little attention on the student’s response time for each test item (or question) during the test. The student’s response time for each test item can be an important factor for instructor to diagnose student’s individual ability on problem solving. Also, few current computerized diagnostic test analysis tools can support both text-diagram based presentation and multimedia type presentation test items. In this thesis research, we incorporate the response time, difficulty level, and discriminatory power of each test item into S-P model during the analysis. Specifically, we employ two terms: 1) the nimbleness of thinking of a student that can be measured based on the response time for answering each test question and 2) the problem solving ability of a student that can be measured based on the ability of solving the adaptive type question with higher difficulty level, and discriminatory power. With the incorporation of these parameters, the new S-P chart can present more diagnostic information to evaluators for additional treatments on both instructors and students if he thinks that it is necessary. A web-based computerized tool has designed and implemented with the above innovations and with the support of multimedia type test questions. Both practical example and experimental study were conducted using the proposed cognitively diagnostic computerized tool to demonstrate the rational and applicability of the proposed innovations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis