Title: | 創業領導如何透過組織的中介機制促進員工創造力? How does the entrepreneurial leadership influence the employee creativity with the mediating mechanisms in the organization? |
Authors: | 洪千淳 Hung, Chien-Chun 蕭嬋 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 創業領導;創造力;獎酬;組織文化;感知組織支持;心理賦權;階層線性模型;entrepreneurial leadership;creativity;reward;organizational culture;perceived organizational support;psychological empowerment;hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 領導風格與創造力一直是重要的研究領域。但是為因應快速競爭與變化的環境而被提出的創業領導概念對創造力的影響卻未被討論。因此本研究試圖回答:「創業領導如何透過中介機制影響員工創造力?」。本研究整合領導與創造力領域的文獻,建立一個跨層次創業領導影響員工創造力的研究架構,並探討兩者間的關鍵中介機制。本研究假定創業領導者會積極追求創新機會為公司創造價值。因此會在整體組織的中介機制形塑出鼓勵員工創新的組織文化並充分利用獎酬分配以加強員工的創造力動機。另一方面,創業領導也會透過員工個人的中介機制給予員工充分的感知組織支持,期望員工能發揮自身潛能,以抓住創新機會,並給予員工足夠的工作自主權,使員工感到心理賦權,因而增加員工的內在動機,最終使員工有更良好的創造力表現。有鑒於創業領導與員工創造力的關係涉及組織研究,許多學者強調層次的重要性以處理個體與總體層次資料間具有巢套的結構特性。故本研究將以階層線性模型驗證組織層次之創業領導與個人層次之員工創造力間之關係如何透過組織層次的獎酬和組織文化與個人層次之感知組織支持和心理賦權的跨層次中介效果影響。本研究貢獻分為四個部分,以領導領域而言,本研究將創業領導之領導風格作為研究核心,對其進行與中介機制關係之探討。以整體研究架構而言,本研究以中介機制的角度進行切入,探討創業領導與員工創造力之間的關係是受到那些中介機制影響並進行實證研究。以員工創造力之研究貢獻而言,本研究以整合性的觀點(包括組織與個人層次)探討企業如何培養員工創造力,並利用實證研究進行驗證。最後以方法論貢獻而言,由於影響員工創造力的因素來自組織層次與個人層次,為精確瞭解影響員工創造力的變異,本研究採用階層線性模型方法以檢驗模型的脈絡效果,使得高層次解釋變數對低層次依變項的跨層次解釋能力能夠更加精確。 Leadership style and creativity has always been an important research field. However, the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on creativity has not been discussed. Entrepreneurial leadership is an emerging concept, which is proposed in response to the high-velocity and competitive business environments. Therefore, in the current research, we intend to answer the question “how does the entrepreneurial leadership influence the employee creativity with the mediating mechanisms in the organization?” We integrate the research in leadership and creativity and create a cross-level research framework to discuss the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and employee creativity with mediating mechanisms. We assume entrepreneurial leadership will grasp innovative opportunities and create enterprise value. We further argue entrepreneurial leadership will impact the employee creativity either through organizational-level mediating mechanisms such as shaping creativity organizational culture and using reward distribution to motivate employee; or through individual-level mediating mechanisms such as increasing employee perceived organizational support and enhancing employee’s psychological empowerment to perform more creativity behavior. Above all, in the field of organization research, many of scholars emphasize the important of hierarchical analysis because individual in the same organization would be highly correlated which called nested nature of the data. Therefore, in this research, we use the hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to verify the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and employee creativity with the mediating effects of reward and organizational culture in organizational-level and the mediating effects of perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment in individual-level. This research makes four contributions. Firstly, in terms of the field in leadership research, we explore entrepreneurial leadership as the core concept and discuss its influence on employee creativity. Secondly, in terms of the model we explore the mediating mechanisms and signify the importance of mediators on the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and employee creativity. Thirdly, in terms the field in creativity research, we develop an “integrative” framework, which include reward and organizational culture in the organizational-level and perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment in the individual-level to discuss the factors influencing employee creativity. Finally, in terms of the methodology we use hierarchical linear modeling to verify the research model so that we can accurately understand the impact of the variability of employee creativity that is resulted from the factors in organizational-level and individual-level. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71726 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |