Title: | 組織特性對人力資源管理外包之影響 The Effect of Organizational Characteristics on Human Resource Management Outsourcing |
Authors: | 陳麗靜 Chen, Li-Ching 唐瓔璋 Tang, Ying-Chan 管理學院經營管理學程 |
Keywords: | 人力資源管理外包;委外;組織特性;Human Resource Management Outsourcing;HR Outsourcing;Organizational Characteristics |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 全球經濟狀況與競爭環境變化劇烈,在面臨降低成本與效率提升的壓力之下,企業日漸將非核心的業務進行外包(委外)或外購,以降低成本並維持彈性的組織結構,而人力資源管理措施也在此趨勢的影響中成為策略性的選擇之一。
本研究參考文獻理論及台灣企業實務現況,選擇五項組織特性作為主要研究變數,分別為:組織人力資源措施的特殊性、人力資源部門策略涉入程度、需求的不確定性、成本壓力、組織規模;人力資源管理外包項目的部份,則分別衡量八種不同項目之外包程度,共包含:招募甄選、訓練發展、薪資福利、績效管理、人力資源制度與流程設計、人力資源資訊系統 (HRIS)、員工闗係、員工健康與安全。
以問卷調查法將組織特性資料進行因素分析及集群分析,再針對各集群與各項人力資源管理外包項目之:外包程度、外包效益滿意度、及未來外包可能性進行變異數分析,以探討各集群之間的差異。研究結果發現,外包程度及外包效益滿意度皆有部份項目在不同集群間有顯著差異,未來外包可能性則無顯著差異之項目;而「高策略涉入及需求不確定」型的組織有較高比例將其人力資源管理措施外包,其外包程度為各集群中最高的,同時也是未來外包可能性最高的一群。 The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of organizational characteristics on human resource management outsourcing. The study investigates the outsourcing state of eight kinds of human resource management (HRM) practices. Applying the literature, five organizational characteristics are examined: Idiosyncratic HR Practices, HR Strategic Involvement, Demand Uncertainty, Cost Pressure and Organization Size. Collecting data from 570 Taiwanese organizations, we find there are some significant differences of “degree of outsourcing” and “satisfaction of outsourcing benefits” between the 3 groups with varied organizational characteristics. The organizations with high degrees of "HR Strategic Involvement” and “Demand Uncertainty" have the highest degree of HRM outsourcing among all groups. This type of organization is most likely to outsource their HRM practices in the future also. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71759 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |