标题: 奈米氧化铁粒子其磁性质对粒径和细微结构之相依性研究
The Dependence of Magnetic Properties with Size and Local Structure of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
作者: 江淳喻
Chiang, Chun-Yu
Tseng, Yuan-Chieh
关键字: 奈米氧化铁粒子;四氧化三铁;吸收光谱细微结构;磁性行为;iron oxide nanoparticles;magnetite;X-ray Absorption Fine Structure;Magnetic properties
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 即便已被研究了数十载,氧化铁现在仍是凝态物理中广泛受人研究的材料。因奈米氧化铁的独特性质,它被应用在许多尖端科技,像是: 高密度的磁记忆元件、自旋电子学、磁热治疗、标的药物释放、核磁共振显影…等;这些应用为近几年热门的研究项目。本论文研究对象为热裂解法合成之奈米氧化铁粒子,其直径范围为6-25nm;研究目标旨在了解改变粒径大小和合成条件后,其局部结构和磁性状态的改变对整体磁性行为之影响,使用仪器为光源是同步加速器的X光吸收光谱(XAS)和震动样品磁量仪(VSM)。使用同步辐射光源去侦测原子尺度排列之讯号,再配合元素选定之微观磁性量测连结宏观磁性之展现;由以上三者,诠释了磁性行为与抽象微妙的电子世界的连结性。
Despite being studied for many decades, iron oxide still remains at the forefront of condensed matter research. Iron oxide has found its way into numerous technology applications. For example, scaling iron oxide down to nano-scale to meet the needs in magnetic recording media and targeted drug delivery has become the subject of intense research in recent years. This work is aimed at understanding the influence of local magnetism/structure change of the cation site on the magneto-structural properties, probing the nature of ferromagnetic (FM) behaviors for iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs, ranging from 6 to 25 nm in diameter) prepared by thermal decomposition syntheses, and their evolution with the NP size, using synchrotron-based x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The ability of synchrotron radiation to penetrate matter, to probe the atomic scale-length, to couple the magnetism with the selected atomic species provides a critical link between a material’s macroscopic magnetic responses and otherwise a world of invisible electronic interactions.
From x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extend x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analyses the iron oxide samples appear to display Fe3O4 as the major phase. The coordination number of the first neighboring shell decreases with decreasing NP size, and an α-Fe phase was observed in the sample with the smallest size (~ 6 nm). In general a decreased coordination number suggests the increased broken iron bonds at surface, which should result in a magnetically disordered state with reduced saturation magnetization, yet the sample featuring the α-Fe phase violates such tendency but exhibits an enhanced saturation magnetization compared to the other two with larger NP sizes. Moreover, due to the magnetic exchange interactions between the α-Fe and Fe3O4, the sample featuring the α-Fe phase doesn’t exhibit a superparamagentic (SPM) state because of fairly notable anisotropy constant and coercive field at room temperature. The study uncovered new information about the coupling between magnetic and structural properties of the venerable magnet.