標題: 使用色彩與深度感測器之三維物體模型重建與紋理貼圖
3D Object Model Reconstruction with Texture Mapping using RGB-D Camera
作者: 許志維
Hsu, Chih-Wei
Chen, Yong-Sheng
關鍵字: 模型重建;reconstruction;kinect
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在電腦視覺與逆向工程領域中,準確的建立三維物體模型是一項值得研究的
課題,在本研究中我們使用Microsoft Kinect for Windows 做為深度與影像感測器
可以支援到距離物體40 公分的距離,並且容易取得、可靠度高。
間的點雲對位(registration),全域的整合(global refinement)與三維物體模型重建
(reconstruction) , 最後一個部分為不同影像對三維物體的紋理貼圖(texture
位的準確性,並環繞物體拍攝14 張影像,包括物體的頂部與底部。第二部分點
雲的對位使用點到平面的迭代最近點(point-to-plane ICP)演算法來進行資料的對
位,三維物體模型重建的部份則使用波森表面重建(Poisson surface reconstruction)
In the computer vision and reverse engineering field, accurate reconstruction of
3D models is an essential topic. In this study, we developed a system for whole 3D
object model reconstruction and texture mapping by using Microsoft Kinect for
Windows. The depth sensor of Microsoft Kinect for Windows supports near mode
which enables the depth camera to scan in front of an object as close as 40 centimeters
without missing data. Due to high accuracy and low prices of Microsoft Kinect for
Windows, we selected Kinect as our system development device.
The system contains three parts. The first part is foreground acquisition. The
second part is registration of multiple views point cloud and 3D object surface
reconstruction. The last part is multiple views texture mapping. Foreground
acquisition uses background subtraction to obtain foreground point cloud and remove
outlier points. We took 14 images from an object by a stationary Kinect-- including
the top and bottom-- and used the point-to-plane iterative closest point (ICP)
algorithm to estimate the transformation in adjacent point clouds. Once we got
integrated final point cloud, we applied the Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm
to reconstruct a 3D surface model. Then we used multiple images to map onto a 3D
surface model and improved the quality of texture mapping by reducing the
boundaries triangles that mapped from different images.
In this study, we have developed whole 3D object model reconstruction and
texture mapping system. According to our experimental results, using a predefined
initial matrix for initial alignment can accelerate the registration part and the multiple
views texture mapping method improves the quality of the texture mapping, which
makes the reconstructed 3D object model more realistic.