Title: DSP-Based 之即時多工運動控制器研製
DSP-Based Real-Time Multitasking Motion Controller Design and Implementation
Authors: 洪敬堯
Chin-Yao Hung
An-Chen Lee
Keywords: 即時核心;多工;運動控制;Real-Time Kernel;Multitasking;Motion Control
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 本論文利用德州儀器公司所生產的數位訊號處理器(DSP)TMS320VC33為系統的核心處理器,搭配μC/OSII即時多工作業系統,建立一個以即時控制為基礎的多軸運動控制系統,包含了運動控制系統硬體的研製以及相關軟體的發展。硬體部分採用具浮點運算功能的DSP、外加雙埠記憶體、16位元數位/類比轉換器、12位元類比/數位轉換器等周邊元件,並輔以FPGA、CPLD來負責DSP與周邊介面的溝通橋樑,藉以架構出所需的運動控制卡;軟體部分則是使用μC/OSII來規劃出即時多工核心程式,以進行插值命令的產生、加減速規劃、伺服迴路控制及各個工作的時程規劃,希望能透過該作業系統所建立的即時多工環境來有效利用及分配系統資源。最後將此系統應用於伺服馬達平台上,以驗證所研製系統之多工即時控制的可行性。
In this thesis, a high performance real-time multitasking motion control system is implemented based on DSP and µC-OSII. It included hardware design and software development. This motion control card integrated a TI’s floating-point DSP, external program and data memory, a Dual-Port Ram communication interface, six 16-bits digital to analog converter, a 12-bits analog to digital converter. And with using FPGA, CPLD as the bridge of the interface of DSP and peripheral to make system more flexible. In software, command generation, acceleration and deceleration control and servo control and task timing schedule are realized in real-time kernel. Hope for making system resources arrangement more efficiency and optimizing the DSP through the multitasking framework. At last, the motion control system is tested on servo motor to verify the feasibility of multitasking real-time control.
Appears in Collections:Thesis