Title: 軟X光之同調性與小角度散射研究
Coherent and Small Angle Soft X-ray Scattering
Authors: 洪德晟
Hung, Te-Cheng
Huang, Di-Jing
Juang, Jenh-Yih
Keywords: 同調性;X光小角度散射;同步輻射;Coherence;Small Angle X-ray Scatteing;synchrotron Radiation
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: X光小角度散射提供高穿透力與非破壞性方式,探測物質的微結構及微粒大小和型態,配合特定原子的軟X光共振吸收附近之能量,可分辨共振的原子在整體中的貢獻。藉由軟X光小角度散射技術,我們固定入射角在0.75°和0.5°,改變不同能量,在Q值為0.028 Å^(-1)的地方,看到能量越接近Mn的吸收峰時,散射強度越強,並從大Q值的斜率,推測Mn,Cd-metallothionein-2為橢圓狀。 以往探測光與物質交互作用後的散射光,只能得知其強度,而無法得知重要的相位資訊,使用具有同調性的光源,能夠得到喪失的相位資訊,更了解物質完整的面貌。產生具同調性的光源,可藉由單光器和針孔的幫助,但同時會犧牲光源強度,我們利用國家同步輻射中心所提供之高強度、低散度的光源,建造一座簡單的同調光實驗之實驗站,將光源通過直徑5μm的針孔,看到隨能量而變化的圓孔繞射圖騰,與圓孔繞射理論計算之結果比較,誤差小於20%。
Small angle X-ray scattering provides high penetration and non-destructive way to detect the microstructure, particle size and particle shape of material. With the X-ray absorption energy of a particular atom, we can distinguish the contribution from different elements. With the small angle soft X-ray scattering technique, we fixed incident angle at 0.75 ° and 0.5 °, and changed different photon energies. We found that near the Mn absorption energy, the scattering intensity is high for the Q value being 0.028 Å^(-1). With the slope of the large Q region, we suggest that the shape of Mn, Cd-metallothionein-2 is elliptical. In the past, we only can get the amplitude of scattered light from the interaction of light and matter. However we cannot get the more important information–phase. With a coherent light source, we can retrieve the phase information. Discover the complete picture of material. Using a monochromator and a pinhole, we generated a coherent light source and set up a simple experimental end station for coherent scattering. The coherent light source of high intensity and low divergence. We observed a diffraction pattern from a circular aperture, and the diffraction fringes changed with different photon energies. In comparison with the theoretic calculations, the experimental result has an error less than 20%.
Appears in Collections:Thesis