Title: 顧客無禮行為與情緒勞務對員工工作滿意之影響—以知覺組織支持為干擾變數
The Influence of Customer Incivility and Emotional Labor on Employees’ Job Satisfaction –Perceived Organizational Support as a Moderator
Authors: 李崇民
Li, Chung-Min
Chen, Mei-Fang
Keywords: 情緒勞務;顧客無禮行為;情緒耗竭;工作滿意;知覺組織支持;emotional labor;customer incivility;emotional exhaustion;job satisfaction;perceived organizational support
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 服務業已經成為當今社會中最主要的產業類別。服務業的特性在於傳達無形的服務給予顧客,因此服務人員們通常需執行情緒勞務,以進一步對顧客呈現出被組織所要求呈現的理想情緒。本研究將較少被過去文獻討論的顧客無禮行為納入研究架構中,以探討在進行情緒勞務策略時,若服務人員遭遇到顧客無禮行為所可能造成的影響。本研究針對銀行壽險產業的服務人員進行問卷施測,並一共收集了346份有效問卷,來進行後續相關的統計分析。 本研究採用階層迴歸分析來檢測研究模型所做的假設。根據分析結果,我們發現深層展演由於能讓員工真誠地體會所需展現的情緒,因此有助於提升工作滿意。同時我們也發現了情緒耗竭的完全中介效果,不論是表層展演抑或顧客無禮行為,均必須透過情緒耗竭,才能進而負向地影響工作滿意。此外部分知覺組織支持的調節效果也被證實是顯著的,知覺組織支持不但能夠增強深層展演對工作滿意的正向影響、並能減弱情緒耗竭對工作滿意的負向影響。然而本研究也很意外地發現,高知覺組織支持的員工由於可能對組織抱有較高的期許,故表層展演帶來的負面影響,導致員工對組織之期望有所落差,進一步造成表層展演對於工作滿意無顯著性的負向關係因此被強化。 最後根據本研究的結果,我們提供了一些管理上的建議,期許能讓管理階層訓練員工正確執行情緒勞務的方式,並且正視員工於工作上所可能遭受到的情緒與心理壓力,以進一步提升工作滿意。
Service industry has become the most predominant industry in nowadays society. The characteristic of service industry is to deliver intangible service to customers, so the employees usually have to conduct emotional labor, in order to express appropriate emotion required by organizations. The seldom discussed customer incivility is considered in the research, to study what effects may be caused when employees conduct emotional labor under the circumstance of confronting with customer incivility. The research questionnaire is delivered to employees of bank and insurance companies, and totally we have collected 346 samples for further analysis. Hierarchical regression analysis is implemented in the research. According to the analysis, it is found that because deep acting is an authentic approach to feel the emotion required expressing, it can increase job satisfaction. Simultaneously we also observe the complete mediation effect of emotional exhaustion, meaning that both surface acting and customer incivility must have been through emotional exhaustion to decrease job satisfaction. The moderating hypothesis is partially supported in our study. Perceived organizational support is demonstrated to strengthen the positive effect of deep acting and mitigate the negative effect of emotional exhaustion both on job satisfaction. However it is beyond our expectation to find that perceived organizational support can actually strengthen the originally insignificant negative effect of surface acting on job satisfaction, for the reason that employees’ expectations result from higher perceived organizational support is unmet due to the negative influence brought by surface acting. Finally, based on our analysis, some managerial implications are provided. It is suggested that managerial team should train employees with appropriate emotional labor approach, and concern seriously about the potential emotional stress from which may suffered by employees, so that job satisfaction would be increased.
Appears in Collections:Thesis