Title: 知識分享與顧客導向對顧客滿意與忠誠度的影響
The Impacts of Knowledge Sharing and Customer Orientation on the Consumer’s Satisfaction and Loyalty
Authors: 王海燕
Wang, Hai-Yen
Chen, Mei-Fang
Keywords: 內部行銷;信任;知識分享;顧客導向;顧客滿意度;internal marketing;trust;knowledge sharing;customer orientation;customer satisfaction
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 自民國七十七年開始,台灣之服務業就業人數與產值皆為三大產業之冠,並隨時間持續向上攀升,可知「服務」對現代人而言是日益重要。而在所有服務相關產業中,餐飲服務不僅與消費者息息相關,亦為較受消費者所重視的服務之一;而要如何改善餐飲服務以提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度,乃管理者應注重之課題。因此本研究透過探究過去文獻,並以國內知名連鎖餐廳為例,進一步討論組織政策及員工的知識分享是否有助於提升服務績效。本研究之資料來源分為員工與顧客,我們以紙本問卷向餐廳員工收集資料,另以網路問卷向消費者進行調查,並各以228份有效問卷進行後續分析。 透過線性結構模式分析(SEM),本研究結果發現,當管理者在組織中提倡內部行銷之相關政策(諸如鼓勵組織內部溝通與部門間的互動交流,並發展員工訓練、開放的組織氣氛與受屬下認同的領導能力,且管理階層支持知識分享活動等),或當員工對組織及同事皆具信任時,皆會有助於提升員工在工作中的知識經驗分享;而當員工能夠彼此分享知識時,即可讓其他員工獲得服務顧客的經驗知識,將有助於發展員工之顧客導向態度與行為。然而,實證結果發現,若組織過於強調制式的服務流程,其服務績效可能會與理論相悖,造成員工認為自己具有顧客導向,但顧客滿意度與忠誠度不如預期之情形。 最後,我們將根據本研究結果提供相關建議予管理者,以重新思考組織內部政策與服務流程之規劃與制定。
Since 1988, the employees and the output value of service industry in Taiwan have exceeded those of the other two industries and have been increasing over time. We could infer that service is more and more important for modern people. Within the industries related to service, food service is not only close to consumers but also emphasized by them. Thus, it is cardinal for managers to improve food service to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, based on prior literature reviews, we take one domestic famous franchising restaurant to further discuss whether the policies of organization and employees’ knowledge sharing conduce to increase service performance. The data of this research is derived from attendants and customers. We collected information from attendants in paper and from customers through the Internet, getting each 228 valid samples to do further analysis. By SEM analysis, the results show that it would improve employees’ knowledge sharing at work that when managers advocate internal policies related to internal marketing (such as encouraging internal communication and departmental interaction within an organization, developing training, open organizational climate, and identified leadership, and knowledge sharing support from the management) or when employees trust the management and colleagues. In addition, as knowledge sharing would make other employees get more experiences and knowledge to serve, it would be helpful to develop their customer orientation. However, if an organization over-emphasizes standard service procedure, the service performance might be inconsistent with the theory; in other words, it might result in that attendants think they are customer-oriented but customer satisfaction and loyalty are not as expected. In the end, we hope to provide some suggestions for managers by our research results to rethink the planning and development of the internal policies and service procedure.
Appears in Collections:Thesis