Title: 心理熵測量工作倦怠的驗證性結構分析:主觀機率取代共識機率的心理熵衡量
Confirmatory Factor Structure Analysis for Psychological Entropy Measured Job Burnout: An Alternative to Estimate Psychological Entropy from the Consensus Probability to Subjective Probability
Authors: 黃柏皓
Huang, Bo-Hao
Tseng, Fang-Tai
Chi, Chiang
Keywords: 倦怠;資訊熵;心理熵;共識機率;主觀機率;Burnout;Information entropy;Psychological entropy;Consensus probability;Subjective probability
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 由於在工作量的認知和焦慮的認知程度,這兩者的歸因及因果關係上潛在著巨大的 資料偏誤,自我評估的工作倦怠症長久以來備受生物工程學家的挑戰。本研究試圖以心 理熵理論具體描繪出工作倦怠,並進一步提出了一種量化的方法來測量。在過去的研究 法中存在著一種以團體為樣本集合的共識機率,本研究依循資訊熵及心理熵的理論原則,提出以主觀機率來改善測量問題。實證數據分析的結果證實,主觀機率更符合原始資料並通過敏感性測試。
The self-reported job burnout syndrome has been long challenged by Ergonomists due to the huge potential research bias laying in the attribution and causality on workload perception and perceived anxiety levels. The present research attempts to embody the job burnout through the theory of psychological entropy and further proposes a method to quantitatively measure it. There exists a method of adopting a group-based consensus probability from the sample set in the previous literatures. The present research follows the theoretical principle of information entropy and psychology entropy and suggests a subjective probability to refine the measurement issue. Result of empirical data analysis shows that the suggested subjective probability fits the original dataset best and pass the sensitivity test.
Appears in Collections:Thesis