标题: 求解同时生产一般与再生产品最佳生产批量与排程问题之研究
On Solving the Production Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem for a Manufacture Producing Both Regular and Remanufactured Products
作者: 黄朝楥
Huang, Jhao-Syuan
Yao, Ming-Jong
Lin, Jen-Yen
关键字: 经济批量排程问题;再生产品;时间变动批量大小方法;基因演算法;区域搜寻;禁忌清单;Economic Lot Scheduling Problem;Remanufacturing;Time-varying Lot Sizes Approach;Genetic Algorithm;Local Search;Tabu List
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 传统的经济批量排程问题(Economic Lot Scheduling Problem) 为考量单一生产设备生产多项(一般)产品并满足其需求的情况下,如何决定生产批量及生产排程以降低平均总成本值,其成本项包含:(1)整备成本及(2)存货成本。本研究主要探讨在单一生产设备同时生产一般产品及再生产品,在满足所有一般产品需求及允许部分再生产品需求短缺的前提下,求解此延伸性的经济批量排程问题,以达到最大化平均总利润的目标。配合再生产品必须运用回收原料的特性,本研究运用时间变动批量大小方法(Time-varying Lot Sizes Approach)建构本问题的数学模式。运用基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)搭配区域搜寻及禁忌清单的方式,本研究提出一个整合性的求解演算法。为验证所提出之求解演算法的效能,本研究运用随机产生的实验数据,与共同周期法(Common Cycle Approach)所获得之结果进行比较及分析。数据结果显示本研究所提出之整合性求解演算法,可以有效求得比共同周期法更好的解。
The conventional Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (ELSP) considers the
production lot sizing and scheduling of several products on a single facility so as to minimize the average total cost. The conventional ELSP includes the following two cost terms in its objective function, namely, setup cost and holding cost. This study invests the ELSP for the production lot sizing and scheduling of multiple regular products and remanufactured products on a single facility. The objective of this (extended) ELSP is to maximize the average total profit under the conditions of meeting the demand of all regular products, but allowing shortage for remanufactured products. Considering the recycling of remanufactured products, we formulate a mathematical model for this extended ELSP using the Time-Varying Lot Sizes (TVLS) approach. In this study, we propose an integrated solution approach that incorporates a genetic algorithm and a local search with a tabu list approach for solvomg this TVLS model. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed solution approach, we compare it with the Common Cycle (CC) approach. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed solution approach is able to solve significantly better solutions than the CC approach.