Title: 以BIM模型為基礎之防災管理案例探討
Applying building information modeling in building disaster prevention and management
Authors: 石世祐
Shih, Shih-Yu
Wang, Wei-chih
Keywords: 建築資訊模型;防災管理;疏散避難路線圖;防災訓練;Building Information Modeling;Disaster-prevention management;Evacuation route map;Disaster-prevention training
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 在災害發生時,逃生人員常有理解力降低之現象,因此如何讓建築物使用人快速瞭解災害發生位置、應選擇之避難路線及出口,則為提升災害存活率之關鍵。傳統以2D平面方式呈現之疏散避難路線圖,除無法充分表現建築空間之立體感外,亦增加逃生及救災人員方向性判讀之困難,若同時具有建築型式特殊(例如圓形、環形或出口高層不一致)或使用人員不熟悉建築物環境之情況,此種方向感迷失現象必定更為嚴重。建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)具有立體化呈現建築空間配置之功能,且模型內亦可掛載防救災相關之模型元件與資訊,因此若可依據模型規劃及標示避難路線,並進行防災教育訓練,除可減少避難人員方向感迷失現象外,亦可提供消防人員規劃救災計畫之參考,達成防災規劃、防災訓練及災害救援作業之整合。本研究以新竹某環形公用高科技廠房為例,以其竣工時之BIM模型為基礎,於模型內加入防救災相關之模型元件與資訊,並結合火災模擬軟體FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator),評估人員逃生安全性、規劃安全逃生避難路線,再根據規劃結果製作各個公用空間之疏散避難路線影片,以提升建築物營運管理單位之防災管理能力及防災訓練品質。研究結果顯示,BIM模型可與FDS軟體充分結合,除可用於規劃避難路線外,亦可檢討各個公用空間之防災設備配置,此外以建築資訊模型呈現之3D避難路線,可讓使用人快速瞭解自身所在位置,並正確選擇適當之避難路線。
When the disaster occurs, escape officer’s comprehension often decrease. Therefore, it’s the key to enhance the survival rate that how to make the officer quickly learn the disaster location, evacuation route and exit which should be selected. The traditional evacuation route map presented in 2D plane apart from can’t perform the sense of architectural space in three-dimension, also increase the difficulty of directional interpretation. If there is a special architectural style (such as a circle, ring or outlet level inconsistent) or users are not familiar with the building environment, this lost sense of direction must be even more serious. There is a function that rendering architectural space configuration in Building Information Modeling (BIM), the model can also be mounted component and information related to anti-disaster relief. Planning evacuation route and training disaster-prevented education based on BIM model, not only reduce the lost sense of direction but provide a reference for firefighters to make the relief program, integrates disaster planning, disaster-prevented training and disaster relief operation. In this study, we choose a high-tech plant which is circular in Hsinchu for example, based on the BIM model which is composed of components and information related to disaster-prevention relief and combine fire simulation software (FDS) to assess personnel security, plan safe evacuation routes and make the refuge film for public space according to the result of planning. It enhances the disaster-prevention management ability and training quality of the building operating management units. Research results show that BIM models can be fully integrated with FDS software, it plans evacuation routes and reviews the public space of disaster-prevention equipment configuration. 3D evacuation routes map allowing users quickly understand their position and select proper appropriate evacuation routes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis