标题: 钢骨钢筋混凝土梁柱构材极限强度与韧性行为
Ultimate Streng and Ductility of Steel Reinforced Concrete Beam-Columns
作者: 廖文贤
Wen-Hsien Liao
Cheng-Chih Chen
关键字: 钢骨钢筋混凝土;弯矩-曲率关系曲线;极限弯矩强度;韧性行为;Steel reinforced concrete;moment-curvature relation;ultimate strength;ductile behavior
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究藉由数值分析方法,探讨钢骨钢筋混凝土 (Steel Reinforced Concrete,简称SRC) 梁柱构材承受纯弯矩与轴力-弯矩载重之行为,由弯矩-曲率关系曲线图探讨混凝土受箍筋与钢骨围束于SRC构材极限弯矩强度与韧性行为之影响。分析模式中将SRC构材断面受混凝土的围束分为三种不同的区域:非围束区混凝土、次围束区混凝土与高围束区混凝土,以考量箍筋与钢骨对混凝土围束效应的贡献;依据所假设之各材料应力-应变关系,可计算构材之弯矩强度与曲率关系。研究结果显示,分析模式能准确预测实验结果,验证箍筋间距较密者具有较佳之围束能力;T字型钢骨SRC构材受挠曲作用时,钢骨偏向拉力侧则拥有较高之极限弯矩强度,但构材之韧性表现则较钢骨偏向压力侧差;SRC构材承受较高轴力作用下,其韧性表现皆不如承受较低轴力作用的试体。此外,分析模式较ACI-318与AISC-LRFD规范更能准确预测SRC构材之极限弯矩强度。
This study aims to examine the behavior of steel reinforced concrete (SRC) beam-column members under loading status either pure bending moment or axial force-bending moment. Numerically parametric examinations were conducted to investigate the confined effects of the concrete on the ultimate strength and ductility of the SRC members. In the analytical model, three different confined zones of the concrete in the SRC section, including the unconfined concrete, the partially confined concrete, and the highly confined concrete, were defined for considering the confining effects contributed from the lateral reinforcement as well as the structural steel shape. By assuming the stress-strain relationship of each material, the relations of flexural strength and curvature of the SRC members can be determined. The numerical model can predict well the experimental results. The SRC members with closer lateral tie spacing lead to better post-failure behavior. Members with T-shaped structural steel in the tension side of the bending moment have higher ultimate strength but worse ductility than those with steel in the compression side. The SRC beam-column members subjected to high axial force have worse post-failure behavior than those under low axial force. Furthermore, the numerical model can accurately predict the ultimate flexural strength than ACI 318 building code and the AISC-LRFD specification.


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