标题: 整合SDRE和ISMC控制技术于飞弹强健导引律之设计
A Guidance Law Design Using the Combination of SDRE and ISMC Control Schemes
作者: 陈俊宇
Chen, Jun-Yu
Liang, Yew-Wen
关键字: 强健导引律;状态相关黎卡提方程设计;积分型顺滑模控制器;robust guidance law;SDRE design;ISMC
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 本论文探讨拦截飞弹之强健控制器设计议题,其中欲拦截目标存在有未知之机动,视之为外在干扰。本论文所设计之控制器是整合状态相关黎卡提方程 (SDRE) 和积分型态顺滑模控制 (ISMC) 技术以对抗目标之机动并且达到预期之性能表现。本论文首先将 SDRE 控制技术应用在无干扰系统 (nominal system) 中,藉由适当地调整性能指标之权重及拆解漂流项以达到拦截任务,并获得更理想的状态响应。然而,由于目前没有文献指出如何确保 SDRE 控制技术之稳健性,因此本论文整合已设计好之控制器及 ISMC 技术来增加整个不确定系统 (uncertain system) 的稳健性。ISMC 技术不只增进了稳健性,同时还能得到与无干扰系统 (nominal system) 在SDRE 控制器下几乎相同之状态响应。模拟结果充分展示了以上所述之优点。
This thesis explores the design of robust guidance law for missile interception task, in which the target maneuver is treated as disturbances. In this thesis, we combine the state dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) and integral-type sliding mode control (ISMC) schemes to compensate for the target maneuver and realize the interception performance. To be more specific, the SDRE scheme is employed to the design of the guidance law for the nominal system. By appropriately selecting the weightings on performance index and factorizing the drift term, the interception is shown to be able to achieve with desired system performance. However, up to now, there is no concrete guideline provided to ensure the robustness of the SDRE scheme. Therefore, this thesis also combines the SDRE controller with ISMC scheme to strengthen the robustness of the guidance strategy. It is shown that the ISMC scheme not only can improve the robustness performance, it can also maintain the state responses close to those of the nominal system under the SDRE scheme. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the benefits of the presented scheme.