标题: 以“固定一边找第三点”概念于国中三角形全等性质教学之研究
A Study of Teaching Congruence Properties of Triangles by " Finding the Third Point for a Given Side "
作者: 蔡淑贞
关键字: 三角形全等;认知负荷;多媒体学习;triangles congruent;cognitive load;multimedia learning
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究以“固定一边找第三点”对照“尺规作图”之教学脉络,旨在探讨这两种教学脉络在“SSS”、“ASA”、“AAS”、“SAS”以及“RHS”等五种判断两个三角形全等性质的教学中,对于学生的学习表现以及认知负荷感受的影响。本实验采用准实验研究法,以新竹市某国中八年级四个常态班共120位学生为研究对象,实验组之教学脉络为“固定一边找第三点”,对照组之教学脉络为“尺规作图”。以二因子变异数进行实验数据分析,自变项为教学脉络与成就水准,依变项为后测表现、延后测表现与认知负荷感受,后测与延后测均区分为总分、基本知识、理解概念与应用说明四个部分进行分析;以认知负荷量表之花费心力检测认知负荷感受;另以学习效率与学习投入分数综合判断学习情形,以及对于高成就水准学生是否发生专业知识反转效应。研究结果显示:(1) 以“固定一边找第三点”的教学脉络对后测表现在总分、理解概念与应用说明有达到显着;成就水准变项对后测表现在总分、基本知识、理解概念与应用说明均达到显着。(2)综合学习效率与学习投入分数判断学习情况,实验组为高投入高效率,对照组为低投入低效率,两组教材对于高成就水准学生均未产生专业知识反转效应。
This study compares two teaching contexts – " Finding the Third Point for a Given Side " and " Ruler" – to investigate their effects on students’ learning achievement and perceptions of cognitive load in "SSS", "ASA", "AAS", "SAS "and" RHS " two triangles congruent determine the nature of teaching. Quasi-experimental in design, this study involves 120 participants from 4 8th-grade classes in a junior high school in Hsinchu city. The teaching context of the experimental group was based on " Finding the Third Point for a Given Side " while students in the control group were " Ruler " teaching context. The result was analyzed through two-way ANOVA, with teaching context and achievement level being independent variables and scores in post-test and delayed post-test and cognitive load being the dependent variables. Scores in both post-test and delayed post-test were analyzed as four individual parts, including total scores, the basic knowledge, understanding of concepts, and application of concepts. The participants’ perceptions of cognitive load were measured through cognitive load measurement, while scores of instructional efficiency and instructional involvement were used to synthetically determine their learning achievement and whether the expertise reversal effect had been observed in the high achievers. The results showed that: (1) Total scores, understanding and application of concepts are found to be siginifcant in the post test in the " Finding the Third Point for a Given Side " teaching context; the variable of achievement level had on scores in post test was found to be significant in total scores, basic knowledge, understanding and application of the concept. (2) Judging from the synthesis of instructional efficiency and
instructional involvement score, participants in the experimental group belonged to learners of high involvement high achievement learning style while participants in the control group were described as learners of low involvement and low achievement learning style. Neither teachin


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