Title: RFID之於門禁管理系統於複合式住商大樓之運用
Application of RFID in Access Management System for Mixed Residential and Commercial buildings
Authors: 楊孟豪
Keywords: 無線射頻;門禁;RFID;Access
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: RFID因具記錄、資料完整性、可重覆讀寫、非接觸性、形狀多樣、便利性等優點,被廣泛應用於倉儲、物流、生產自動化、票證、自動辨識等領域;藉由利用RFID所開發之系統運用至門禁管理上,將可提高管理效率、降低管理成本,以期獲得更加便利地門禁管理系統,並且降低因人為疏漏產生的損害而獲得最大經濟效益。 本研究將以國內某一複合式商辦大樓為例,建物採用本研究所提之RFID門禁管理系統,經系統實際運行紀錄獲得相關系統管理與使用者使用記錄,其研究分析結論如下: 使用RFID門禁管理之成本遠低於人力管理僅約為純人力成本的4.78%,即可獲得更優良管理效果,故採用RFID門禁系統將可替業者降低大量之成本;為達到最有效率之管理,採用「一卡通」方案以系統將整體環境做整合,不論賣場工作人員、消費者,亦或是住戶,皆可用智慧卡辨別身分,使RFID門禁管理系統兼具便利與效率。 本研究自2010/3~2013/1由系統中獲取系統記錄,經統計後得知,其平均正常開門高於98%,平均事件發生率低於2%。由此可知,RFID門禁管理系統屬於強健穩定,為可靠系統。
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is widely used in warehousing, logistics, production automation, tickets, and other areas of automatic identification due to their merit of data record, data integrity, repeatable read, non-contact, shape diversity and convenience. In order to improve the efficiency of management and reduce the cost of management to obtain better convenient access control systems, automatic identification in access control systems with built- in RFID is required to reduce the damage of human error and obtain the maximum economic benefits. This research is based on a domestic mixed residential and commercial buildings implanted with RFID access control systems to obtain the actual operating system records and the user history. The study results reveal followings. First, the better management effect can be achieved by using RFID access control systems which takes only 4.78% of human resource cost. Therefore, using RFID access control systems help industries reduce a great deal of cost. Second, integrating the system with environment by adopting “i pass” system to achieve the best efficiency management represents the convenience and efficiency of RFID access control systems contributing to the easy smart card identification using by staff in marts, customers or residences. Third, according to the statistics calculated from March 2010 to January 2013, the percentage of correct door operation is higher than 98% and the percentage of inaccurate door operation is lower than 2 %. In concluding, RFID access control systems are steady and reliable.
Appears in Collections:Thesis