Title: LED照明產品行銷策略關鍵因子之研究
A Study on the Key Factors of Marketing Strategy for LED Lighting Products
Authors: 閔代福
Keywords: LED照明;行銷策略;層級分析法;LED lighting;marketing strategies;Analytic Hierarchy Process
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 有鑑於有限的地球能源及溫室效應的影響發酵下,使得節能環保意識日漸抬頭,而照明的演進自1879年愛迪生發明燈泡已有百年歷史,但此期間照明光源並無重大的突破或改變。 直至LED照明的發明,其產品優勢逐漸為世人所知,加上各國法令的修訂及LED技術的快速演進下,近年來LED照明終於有機會取代成為新一代的照明光源,而在此發展趨勢下,LED照明的市佔率卻未見顯著成長,是何因素造成消費者在選購LED照明產品時裹足不前遲遲不願購買,也因此LED照明產品的行銷策略成為重要的課題。 本研究希望為透過文獻蒐集彙整出「LED照明產品行銷策略之關鍵因子」,並藉由AHP層級程序分析法,經業界與官方專家進行問卷,共同探討LED照明產品行銷策略各評估指標之權重及相對重要性。 本研究為以行銷策略4P(價格、產品、促銷、通路)四個構面及18個評估準則,經18位專家為問卷對象,進行AHP專家問卷,研究結果顯示專家認為『價格構面』為行銷策略最應考量之關鍵因子,顯見價格的因素會影響LED照明產品市場的拓展,其次為「產品構面」顯示專家認為LED照明產品本身的本質對產品行銷策略的成功與否佔有非常大的比重。 本『LED照明產品行銷策略關鍵因子之研究』希望藉由AHP專家問卷的方式,得知各行銷策略關鍵因子的權重及重要性程度,期能提供相關產業於制定LED照明產品行銷策略時之參考依據。
Limited natural resources and the green house effect result in the rise of the global environmental awareness. Since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879, the evolution of lighting has been a century of history. But there are no significant breakthroughs or changes in the lighting evolution. LED lighting is a new generation of lighting source. The key reasons include: A) Advantages of LED lighting have been known around the world gradually. B) The Act of Governments around the world was amended to encourage LED lighting industry development. C) LED lighting technology advanced rapidly. However, the market share of LED lighting does not rise up significantly. So this research would like to discover the reasons why customers hesitate before purchasing LED lighting products. This research examines the key factors of LED lighting products marketing strategies by literature review and chooses Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and experts’ questionnaires as this research’s methodology. Price is the most important key factor, as it will affect the market expansion of LED lighting products. Product characteristics of successful product marketing strategy occupy a very large proportion. I also explore the weight and relative importance of each evaluation index for LED lighting products marketing strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis