Title: | 以英文為外語的學生使用寫作諮詢服務的需求與期望調查 What do EFL Academic Writers Need from a Writing Center: Survey about Expectations and Perceptions |
Authors: | 陳俞汝 Chen, Yu-Ju 孫于智 Sun, Yu-Chih 英語教學研究所 |
Keywords: | 英語寫作諮詢;學術英文寫作;需求分析;English writing consultation;EFL academic writing;Needs Analysis |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 在台灣的某些大學有成立英語寫作諮詢中心,也有些學校正考慮籌備此類型的服務提供給在校學生。為了能夠讓這項服務能符合學生的需求,特性,並提升服務的品質,我們應該要做有關於了解學生使用寫作諮詢的需求與期望分析研究。 本研究目的就是了解研究所的學生對於英語寫作諮詢中心的定位及對該中心的期待。期待又主要分為諮詢的方式,提供的服務,及諮詢員的選擇三大層面。此外,學的個人背景因素如性別、主修、和在大學期間是否修過英語寫作相關課程是否會影響他們對於寫作諮詢中心的定位與期待也是討論的範疇。本研究以問卷的方式發給台灣1所有成立語言諮詢中心的大學之研究生共55名。 研究結果顯示,研究生普遍對於寫作諮詢中心有很多不同角色的定位與期待,而原因就在於他們在從事英語學術寫作時有許多不同種層面的問題。對於諮詢的方式,我們發現大部分的學生較喜歡寫作諮詢員採用「引導的方式」,讓他們在過程中有機會獨立思考,以讓他們在第二外語的寫作能變得更為獨立的寫作者。另外,學生是否滿意寫作諮詢中心的服務,則取決於他們對中心所賦予的期待使否得到滿足。我們也發現,學生在挑選寫作諮詢員時,有他們一定的偏好和及排序。學生們對不同的寫作諮詢員特質有著不同的期待。 一些學生的個人背景因素如主修是會影響他們對於需求的認知。本文對寫作諮詢中心如何能更有效地提供以英語為第二外語的學生關於寫作上的協助,也提出了一些重要的論點於寫作諮詢實務上的啟發。 In Taiwan, a number of university have set up writing centers in recent years to help EFL students develop skills in English academic writing. There is little research on how students make use of the writing consultation service and how they perceive its effectiveness. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate how EFL academic writers make use of the writing consultation service in terms of their writing difficulties and how they feel about the writing consultation. The present study aims to examine how EFL academic writers make use of the writing consultation service. Their perception of the role of an English writing consultation center, their consultation preferences in terms of different writing problems, their guidelines of choosing among writing consultants were all surveyed with a questionnaire. Instead of analyzing the data regarding frequency and percentage, the results were also further analyzed to investigate the differences in perception of different groups of writers. The self-designed questionnaire was administered to 55 graduate academic writers from an university in Northern Taiwan. The results indicate that EFL academic writers expected the English writing consultation to play a number of different roles in order to meet their various kind of writing difficulties. In fact, it was found that EFL academic writers are in desperate needs of linguist helps, especially help with word collocation. To make the writing academic-like and professional enough plays a significant role to this group of the writers. As for consultation styles, many of the participants favored a more indirective one for they wanted to be more active in their learning process so they can think more independently and thus become more independent writers. Also, the results indicate that the demographic background such as genders, major, and English-writing-course- taking experiences would influence their perceptions. Some important issues and implications regarding the role of English writing consultation center to EFL academic writers emerged from the study. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74338 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |