Title: | IC設計公司在後PC時代之成長策略: 以X公司為例 A Study of the Growth Strategy for IC Design Companies in Post-PC Era – The Case Study of X Company |
Authors: | 楊文菱 Yang, Wen-Ling 姜齊 Chiang, Chi 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | IC產業;競爭力分析;商業模式;成長策略;IC industry;Competitiveness Analysis;Business Model;Growth Strategy |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 後PC時代,是由蘋果電腦創辦人賈伯斯提出的概念,意指2010年後的電子消費品市場將由被行動裝置例如手機或平板電腦主宰並取代傳統個人電腦,進而帶動雲端及跨平台的WEB應用程序。從市場的銷售金額來看,傳統個人電腦,例如桌上型電腦和筆記型電腦,這些產品的全球銷售金額於2011年首次在個人電腦史上出現兩位百分比的負成長,接下來的2012年及2013年,銷售金額仍舊持續下滑。
X公司是一間名列全球第三大的無晶圓廠IC設計公司,它連續好幾年被富比士雜誌列在全球前五百大企業,更是許多國際認證標章的常客,例如道瓊永續指數。X公司85%以上的業務來自於銷售個人電腦微處理器及個人電腦圖型顯示卡,所以公司的業務跟個人電腦的市場好壞習習相關,想當然爾,X公司在2012年業績衰退了17%,且淨收入為負十一億八千三百萬美元。不過,在2011年新執行長Rory Read上任後,此情勢開始扭轉,Rory Read於2011年上任後開始祭出一連串的策略,目的就是要讓X公司重返賺錢的公司之列,於2012年及2013年開始執行策略,並於2013下半年開始看到成果,X公司於2013下半年開始有正的淨收入,並達到十億美元以上的現金流量。故本研究想探討在現今快速變動的環境中,以個人電腦為業務主軸的X公司的是如何達到此成果及其成長策略,以做為其他IC設計公司的成長策略參考。 X Company is one of top IC design companies and the major player in microprocessor and graphics processor industry, whose end market is mostly personal computers. X Company is listed in top 20 semiconductor suppliers in consequent years and still in the 2013 list of Fortune 500. With the rise of mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones, the sales of personal computers have double-digit decline rate from 2012 and it shrunk 13.9% from 2012 to 2013 overall. Here it is - the “post-PC Era.” Over 85% of X Company’s revenues come from traditional PC market, and the decreased demands have badly impact on X Company’s business in 2012 and 2013, of which 2012 revenue shrunk 17%, and 2012 net income loss is $1,183mn. X Company changed its business strategies starting from 2011 while new CEO joined and started to improve the operation from 2013. In view of this, the study would like to analyze the growth strategies of IC companies whose revenues mostly come from traditional PC market by using X Company as case by which could provide implications for companies who seek for growth opportunities in the IC industry. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74544 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |