Title: 捷運系統對臺北都會區之房地產價格趨勢的影響
Estimating the Effect of Mass Rapid Transit System on the Trajectory of the Property Value in Taipei Metropolitan Area - The hierarchical linear growth model
Authors: 謝婉萍
Hsieh, Wan-Ping
Liou, Fen-May
Keywords: 至捷運站距離;房地產交易價格;階層線性成長模型;the distance to MRT;the property value;HLM growing model
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 先前的研究大多是以特徵價格分析法研究捷運系統對房地產交易價格的影響,並且大多數文獻只有探討至捷運站距離和其他特徵因素對房地產價格的影響,以及兩個時間間隔之間變動率,並沒有探討房地產交易價格之每年變化趨勢,以及至捷運站距離和其它影響因素對於其變化趨勢的影響。本研究以2004年第一季至2012年第三季為研究期間,使用來自內政部地政司房地產交易價格資料庫之所選取捷運站1公里以內區域的5079筆房地產交易案件,並將這些案件按照準則分群為483筆樣本,再利用階層線性成長模型進行分析,探討至捷運站之最近距離(捷運距離影響範圍內、距離影響範圍外)對房地產交易價格趨勢的影響。 實證研究顯示,在房地產交易初始狀態時,只有鄰里環境屬性之所在城市對房地產交易價格有顯著正向的影響,而捷運距離影響範圍與其餘變數對於房地產交易價格皆沒有顯著影響;時間本身對於房價有顯著正向的影響,即房價在過去9年間呈現正向成長趨勢,然而對房價成長趨勢有顯著影響的變數只有房屋基本屬性之用途類別與鄰里環境屬性之所在城市,即此兩變數對於房價之成長趨勢皆有顯著正向調節作用,不過捷運距離影響範圍與其餘變數對於房價之成長趨勢也皆無顯著影響。
Most previous studies is using the Hedonic Price Approach to show the effect of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system on the property value, and only studied the effect of the distance to MRT and other characteristics on the property value, as well as, the rate of the property value changed between the two time intervals; did not discuss the annual trend of the property value, and the effect of the distance to MRT and other characteristics on the changing trajectory of property value. In this study, we use panel data from the property value database in the Dept Of Land Administration at within the radius of one kilometer form selected Taipei MRT station, collecting total 5079 raw unit and grouping to 483 unit by the guidelines, to investigate the influence of the distance to MRT from 2004 to 2011 third-quarter. The empirical results find that only the relationship of the city located and the property value has a significance positive sign in initial status. And the effect of time on property value is positive which means the property value has growth trend over the past 9 years, as well as, the architectural types and the city located could positively moderate the growing trajectory of the property value. However, the distance to MRT had both not effect on the property value in the initial status and its growing trajectory.
Appears in Collections:Thesis