Title: | 場所記憶擴增系統之標述與反饋機制研究 A Study of Tagging and the Feedback Mechanisms of An Augmented Place Memory System |
Authors: | 陳冠燁 Chen, Guan-Ye Mivo 侯君昊 Hou, June-Hao 土木工程系所 |
Keywords: | 場所記憶;標述;記憶標籤;記憶反饋;場所資訊系統;Place memory;tagging;memory tags;feedback mechanism;information system for places |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 本研究提出場所標述來作為擴增場所記憶的資訊系統,此系統可以建構場所的人地事三者在場所記憶的交互關聯,並透過一個反饋機制與其他個體進行分享。場所標述是一種社群網路的應用服務功能,有別於其他場所研究取向,本研究嘗試以場所標述作為一種資訊提供及組織的運作模式,屬於數位取向。基於不同群眾之間對於場所的不同觀點產生反饋作用,形成對於該場所的集體共識的循環機制。為求驗證場所標述及其影響,本研究實作一套場所記憶擴增雛型系統,包含有蒐集及彙整記憶標籤的資訊組織,且將反饋機制的循環運作體現於系統設計。此雛型開發基於場所記憶三種要素彼此的交互關聯進行轉換,建立貼籤、加籤、及補籤三項主要功能,並以深度訪談法進行系統評估及驗證。研究成果指出,群眾可以透過場所記憶擴增雛型系統以記憶標籤來表達自己的場所記憶,並能從其他人的記憶標籤比較相似與不同的記憶內容,補足自己所遺漏或是擴充自己經驗內未發現的事物。如此不僅可將個體自身的場所記憶進行深化或擴增的作用,對於建構一處場所的客觀特徵及具備對場所意象的普同特性有良好的助益。 This paper provided an information system of augmented place memory used the place tagging, a kind of service function of social media. This system is constructed the shared feedback mechanisms of place memory via a cross relationship of triple place elements: people, place, and event. Based on people who shared their points of view for a place to formalize a collective memory in a circulating mechanism, this paper is shown that we implemented a prototype system of augmented place memory to collect and integrated the memory tags to increase and supply the lack of place memory. This prototype system has three main functions: paste tagging, adds tagging, and supply tagging, and these functions are composed by the above cross relationship among triple place elements. The evaluation of system operation is used the method of depth interview for designers, the results are shown that people used well the memory tags to convey the memory for a place through the prototype system, and compared others’ shared tags to supplement themselves especially they forgot or loss in images. The significance of this paper is shown as that people could share their place memory and gather with others' could be effective indicate some unique characteristics to feature this place. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74764 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |