Title: 台灣成衣製造商區位選擇策略之研究
A Study of Location Choice Strategy of a Taiwanese Apparel Manufacturer
Authors: 陳怡臻
Chen, Yi-Chen
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 國際化;海外直接投資;區位選擇;供應鏈管理;個案研究;Internationalization;Foreign direct investment (FDI);Location choice;Supply chain Management;Case study
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 現今的研究大多集中在探討整個製造業或紡織成衣產業對外投資或區位選擇因素作分析,但個別公司對外投資策略及區位選擇因素,也會有發展差異的現象。本論文茲以個案討論的方式,針對紡織成衣界的股王-儒鴻公司進行全球運籌及多點佈局策略以生產策略模型、SWOT分析及投資前後財務比率分析進行探討,並提出建議供業界進行海外佈局及國際分工的參考。研究結果如下:
一、 赴海外設立分公司時應以接近市場及主要客戶為優先考量,並要隨時更新市場資訊,滿足客戶需求。
二、 生產成本仍然是成衣業赴海外投資新廠的區位選擇之重要因素。但是區域經濟結構的改變及新興國家崛起所帶來的優惠外資政策,也是近年來吸引外資設廠的因素之一。
三、 成衣產業位於紡織產業的下游,附加價值高,因此需著重供應鏈管理並建立一貫化生產流程。新興國家基礎建設及供應鏈相對不足,可以策略聯盟及差異化生產策略來分散營運成本及風險。
四、 少量多樣已是產業趨勢,企業應多著重研發掌握核心技術,保留關鍵技術於台灣營運總部,為台灣成衣業提升競爭力。
Most of the current literature focuses on the strategy of foreign direct investment or factors of location selection. This case study analyzes the location choice strategy of Eclat Textile Corporation, Ltd. Through analysis, we obtain the takeaways for domestic textile manufacturers who plan to make foreign investment as follows:
1. The overseas branches should close to major market and customers as first priority, and always update the latest market information to meet customer requirement.
2. The production cost is still an important factor when doing overseas investment in new factory’s location for apparel industry. However, the changes of regional economic structure and foreign investment preferential policies which provided by new emerging countries are important reasons as well in recent years.
3. The infrastructure and source of supply chain in the emerging countries are insufficient, and should spread operating costs and risks by using strategic alliance and differentiated manufacturing strategy for enhancing supply chain management and establishment of consistent production processes.
4. Taiwan enterprises should put emphasis on R&D technology, and keep core skills in Taiwan headquarters for promoting Taiwan’s competitiveness.
Appears in Collections:Thesis