Title: 中學生電學心智模型建構與眼動模式之研究:圖像或文字方式呈現類比或隱喻的數位學習成效
Research on middle school students’ mental model construction and eye movements patterns involving electricity:The effect of integrating analogy/metaphor with picture/text on-line learning
Authors: 陳聖昌
Chen, Sheng-Chang
She, Hsiao-Ching
Keywords: 類比;隱喻;心智模型;眼動;analogy;metaphor;mental model;eye movements
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract:   本研究運用不同教學模式(類比、隱喻)整合不同表徵方式(圖像、文字)之電學概念的數位學習內容,探討中學生的電學心智模型建構之成效,亦探討對學生電學概念成就、電學概念相依推理與電學概念類比推理之影響。本論文分為研究一與研究二。研究一對象為苗栗縣某國中九年級的80位學生,所有學生被隨機分配至四組(類比圖像組、類比文字組、隱喻圖像組、隱喻文字組)進行教學,並且用眼動儀搜集四組學生學習的歷程資料。結果顯示接受類比教學的學生,其映射次數顯著多於接受隱喻教學的學生,並且其電學概念成就、建構心智模型的完整性亦顯著優於接受隱喻教學的學生。接受圖像表徵的學生,其分配注意力與概念整合次數顯著多於接受文字表徵的學生,並且其電學概念成就、電學概念相依推理、心智模型表現皆優於接受文字表徵的學生。四種電路串並聯的情況下,教學前四組學生持有科學心智圖像的比例很低,教學後類比圖像組有較多學生持有科學心智圖像,類比文字組與隱喻圖像組次之,最少為隱喻文字組。推理模式的部分,兩顆電池或燈泡串聯的情況下,教學前與教學後四組皆有較多學生採用正確推理模式。兩顆電池或燈泡並聯的情況下,教學前皆只有少數學生採用正確推理模式,教學後四組皆有較多學生採用正確推理模式。研究二對象為苗栗縣某國中九年級的211位學生,並隨機分配至四組進行教學。結果顯示接受圖像表徵的學生,其電學概念成就、電學概念相依推理與電學概念類比推理表現顯著優於接受文字表徵的學生,但學生表現沒有受到教學模式的影響。四種電路串並聯的情況下,教學前四組學生持有科學心智圖像的比例很低,教學後四組皆有較多學生持有科學心智圖像。兩顆電池或燈泡串聯的情況下,教學前與教學後四組皆有較多學生能採用正確推理模式。兩顆電池或燈泡並聯的情況下,教學前四組皆只有少數學生能採用正確推理模式,教學後四組皆有較多學生採用正確推理模式。
This study examined the effect of integrating analogy or metaphor presented in picture or text on-line learning on middle school students’ electricity concept learning, mental models construction, scientific reasoning ability and analogical reasoning ability. This dissertation consisted of two studies. A total of 80 ninth grade students from Miaoli County were recruited to participate in first study. All students were randomly assigned into the four groups (analogy/picture, analogy/text, metaphor/picture, and metaphor/text) and each received one type of online learning, as well as their eye movements being recorded during on-line learning. Results showed that the analogy group outperformed the metaphor group on their electricity concepts and mental models construction. It is line with their eye movement patterns results that students who learned with analogy allocated significantly more mapping processing than the students in the metaphor group. In addition, students who received picture representation performed better on the concepts of electricity test, scientific reasoning test, and constructed more sophisticated mental models than those who received text representation. It is also consistent with their eye movement patterns that students who received picture representation allocated significantly greater amount of attention and more integrated processing than students in text representation group. With respect to students’ mental images, only a few students held scientific mental images in all series/parallel circuits before learning, regardless of any groups. After learning, students in the analogy/picture group tended to held scientific mental images, followed by analogy/text group, metaphor/picture group, and metaphor/text group. With respect to students’ reasoning models involving two batteries or two bulbs in series circuits, students in four groups tended to hold correct reasoning models, regardless of before or after learning. However, only a few students held correct reasoning model regarding two batteries or two bulbs in parallel circuits before learning, regardless of any groups. After learning, students tended to hold correct reasoning models regarding two batteries in parallel circuits, regardless of any groups. The second study recruited 211 ninth grade students from Miaoli County to participated in this study and were randomly assigned into the four groups. Results showed that students who received picture representation performed better on their electricity concept test, scientific reasoning test, analogical reasoning test, and mental model test than students in the text representation group. However, the effect of analogy/metaphor did not reach significant difference level. With respect to students’ mental images, only a few students held scientific mental images regarding all series/parallel circuits before learning, regardless of any groups. After learning, the majority students of four groups tended to hold scientific mental images. With respect to students’ reasoning models, the majority students in four groups tended to have the correct reasoning models in two batteries or two bulbs in series circuits, regardless of before or after learning. However, only a few students in four groups owned the correct reasoning models involving two batteries or two bulbs in parallel circuits before learning. After learning, the majority students of four groups tended to have the correct reasoning models regarding two batteries in parallel circuits.
Appears in Collections:Thesis