Title: 在十字路口上觀看
Seeing at The Crossroad
Authors: 江果霏
Chiang, Kuo-Fei
Lai, Wen-Shu
Keywords: 觀點;詮釋;可寫性文本;自我認同;viewpoint;interpretation;writerly text;self-identity
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 此篇論文探討看待世界觀點的轉化,緒論以兒時記憶為起點,敘述情感、殼與洞三者於我的意義以及它們如何影響我過去到現在的創作脈絡。 第二章文獻探討,以約翰‧伯格所著《觀看的方式》中對觀看的論述、羅伯‧索科羅斯基《現象學十四講》中經驗事物的論點、羅蘭‧巴特對文本的分析,以及李克爾對詮釋學的立場,討論陳界仁《凌遲考-一張歷史照片的迴音》中觀看的方式、維吉尼亞‧莫利的作品以及《大智若魚》與《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》兩部電影中,觀看方式的轉化。 第三章作品自述針對《Becoming》與《Wry》兩件作品進行說明與闡述。《Becoming》以漫畫形式表達對於傷痛經驗的處理反應及轉變。《Wry》則以插畫形式表現自我認同的主題並思索著正常與不正常之間的矛盾。 第四章結語回顧創作與書寫的過程,對自我有更深的認識與啟發。
This thesis of artistic creation emphasizes on the ways of seeing. Chapter I, “Introduction”, is started by describing my experience from childhood. I explained the meanings of sentiments, holes on the heart and the shell of body to myself. I always get inspire form them and make my creations. In Chapter II, “Literature Reviews”, I narrated viewpoints in ”Ways of Seeing” by John Berger, content in “Introduction to Phenomenology” by Robert Sokolowski, writerly text by Roland Barthes and theories of interpretation by Paul Ricoeur. And then, I introduced artworks made by Chen Chieh-Jen and Virginia Mori and two movies, “Big fish” and “Life of Pie”, to discuss ways of seeing and metaphors of seeing the world in these works. In Chapter III, “Narration by Creator”, I explained the reactions and transformation to distressed incidents in the series works, “Becoming” and I interpreted the theme of self-identity and thought contradiction of normal and abnormal in “Wry”. In Chapter IV, “Conclusion”, I made a review of my past works and the process of writing this thesis, and got deeper realization and revelation to my own.
Appears in Collections:Thesis