Title: 圖樣思考
Pattern Thinking
Authors: 石國瑜
Shih, Kuo-Yu
Kung, Shu-Chang
Keywords: 碎形;圖樣;比例;模矩;自我相似;尺度;空間機能;基礎建設;Fractal;Pattern;Ratios and Proportions;Modular;Self-similarity;Scale;Program;Infrastructure
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文藉由碎形圖樣之一的Vicsek fractal為概念思考模型,期望藉由對於圖樣的多向度觀看,發現新的設計思維,應用在不同尺度的空間設計。 碎形理論最重要概念在於切換不同觀察的角度與尺度,研究單元與全體隱藏的規則。本論文藉由觀看碎形圖樣作為啟發,發展出四種思考觀點,應用於四個不同尺度的設計思考,分別說明如下: 01:比例關係 >> 模矩組合 >>表演者居住空間>>優人之家 以模矩組成的群體,具有比例上的規則。 在優人之家的表演者居住空間中,以人身尺度為單元模矩,在水平面、垂直面,建立建築元素的基本尺寸關係,不僅組合出可計量的獨立個人空間(單元模矩),也組合出富於變化可彈性使用的團體空間(模矩組合群體)。 02:多種觀察結果 >>空間機能設定>>社區中心>>生活舞台 若將城市視為一種圖樣,城市為被觀察的客體,由個別的N位城市使用者觀察,並將觀察結果視覺化以任何形式的圖樣呈現,依觀察者不同,呈現結果各不同,疊加起來卻呈現無限可能的新樣貌。在生活舞台-社區中心的設計作品中,藉由觀察並以實際調查基地居民的生活現況,將結果疊加作為客觀依據,進而對社區提出最合宜的空間機能建議。 03:自我相似>>相對尺度>>校園增建>>建築數位工場 單元與全體在不同尺度具有自我相似的重複性。 在建築數位工場的校園增建設計作品中,將校園視為城市中的縮影,校園即城市,具有自我相似性。藉由新置入於校園內的一條街道"the street",將各具空間機能的建築量體群串聯,成為城市與校園之間的中介空間。 04:與尺度無關 >>個體即全體>>氣候變遷研究中心>>線性城市 如上所述,碎形圖樣呈現自我相似的本質,切換不同尺度觀看,單元即全體。 在最後一個設計作品中,將都市元素堤防視為一線性城市,並將氣候變遷研究中心建置於堤防之上,並置入公眾空間機能,如此一來,基礎建設不只以單一功能存在,而成為新型態的都市公共空間。 本論文透過對於碎形圖樣思考產生的上述四個設計觀點,詮釋四個不同尺度的設計作品。
This paper takes Vicsek fractal as concept model, aims to be inspired by pattern features to gain new design thinking, and apply to projects in 4 different scales. The main concept of Fractal Theory relates to the study of hidden rule and relationship between individuals and groups, through observations by different angles and scales. This paper initiates the study of Fractal pattern thinking, outlines 4 features towards 4 project design perspectives respectively in 4 different scales. Project 01 : Ratios and Proportions >> Modular Combination >> Living Studio for Performers >> U House The first project sets the dimensions of modular with human scale, to define the scale of space horizontally and vertically. With various combinations, this project creates both countable individual spaces and group spaces with diverse functions. Project 02 : Multiple Observations >> Space Program >> Community Center >> Live Stage Public space = overlap of many individual requirements The second project refers to the real life of 38 respondents, both residents and non-residents. As a community center, With their participations, the project has deeper understanding of the space requirements, creates multi-functional public space for the community. Project 03 : Self-Similarity >> Relative Scale >> Campus Extension >> Architecture Fabrication Laboratory In the third project, the concepts relates to the feature of “Self-similarity”. The campus is the condensation of the city. By inputting a path called “the street” into the campus to be the media between campus and city. Project 04 : Scale-unrelated >> Individual as Whole >> Climate Research Center >> Linear City As mentioned in the project 03, the feature of “Self-similarity” implies that individual is the condensation of whole. The main goal of this project is to arouse the social awareness of global climate change, and put it into diversified actions. Therefore, this project intends to transform urban infrastructure by setting up innovative mix-use programs strategically that stimulate citizen engagement and generate publicity and by connecting local people to professionals and academic networks worldwide.
Appears in Collections:Thesis