Title: 傾斜式追日機構
Tilt Type Sun Tracking Mechanism
Authors: 許元銘
Hsu, Yuan-Min
Chieng, Wei-Hua
Jeng, Shyr-Long
Keywords: 極軸;太陽能;追日機構;polar pole;solar;sun tracking mechanism
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 市面上雙軸追日系統以仰角-方位角形式為主流,其基準面和水平面平行,本研究之追日機構傾斜面與地球自轉軸平行,故與地平面有一夾角,此夾角等於所在緯度,在此基準面上建立雙軸追日與太陽軌跡的對應關係,一軸由伺服馬達配合減速機輸出每天追日所需角度,另一軸則以電動推桿推動太陽能板因應季節改變造成的角度變化,並依照所計算出的參數提出1.6kW的追日機構規格,以SolidWorks軟體模擬機構的姿態以及檢查機構干涉,最後實際製作一台1.6KW的追日機構,並完成開迴路的控制。機構高度為4公尺、佔地面積為0.88平方公尺,夏天最大輸出角度為±90°,冬天最大輸出角度為±78°。
Traditionally, two axis sun tracking system is azimuth-elevation type sun tracking mechanism. Its base plane is parallel to the ground. But the tilt type sun tracking mechanism differs from the traditional one. The base plane is parallel to the north celestial pole. The tilt angle is equal to the latitude of the location. The formula maps the relationship between the azimuth-elevation type and the tilt type. One axis of the mechanism is driven by servo motor with reducer that can track the sun every day and the other one axis of the mechanism is driven by the motorized fader that can adjust the angle because of the season. The 1.6KW sun tracking mechanism specification is based on the calculated parameter. We use SolidWorks to simulate the mechanism, examine whether it collides and finally implement the 1.6KW sun tracking mechanism. The height of the mechanism is about 4m. The total area of mechanism is about 0.88m^2. The max output angle on summer is ±90° and the max output angle on winter is ±78°.
Appears in Collections:Thesis