Title: 一個快速的社群網站打卡系統
A Fast Check-in System for Social Network
Authors: 簡群
Chien, Chun
Chen, Jyh-Chen
Keywords: APP;打卡;行動裝置;社群網路;位置服務;音頻傳輸;Social networking;check into places;acoustic communication;geographic-based service;implementation;mobile application
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 隨著智慧型裝置及網路的普及,現代人每天花很多的時間在社群網站上。目前大多
個 My Visited Places (MVP) 統,這個系統可以大幅簡化打卡所必須經過的程序,即使
使用者的裝置無法連線到網路,我們的 MVP 系統也能夠幫她/他完成打卡的動作。我
們的 MVP 系統使用智慧型裝置中內建的麥克風、喇叭與藍芽來進行資料傳輸;我們提
出一套新的音頻傳輸方式,讓使用者裝置與我們的 MVP 裝置能夠在很短的時間內建立
我們將此 MVP 系統實作在現有的 Android 手機以及嵌入式開發版上面,並成功
在世界最大的兩個社群網站 - Facebook 與微博上面打卡。實驗結果顯示,我們的 MVP
裝置可以在 5 內完成純文字的打卡,附有照片的打卡訊息也能在 8 秒內完成。
Due to the rapid growth of smart devices, many people nowadays spend a lot of time
on social networking sites. One of the most popular features provided by social networking
sites is allowing a user to check into a place to show friends that I am here. However,
the check-in process may be long and tedious. In addition, a mobile user may not have
Internet connection to check in. In this paper, we present our proposed My Visited Places
(MVP) system that can greatly simplify the check-in process. A user does not need to
have Internet service to check in. The proposed MVP device will check into a place on
behalf of the user. The MVP system uses microphone, speaker and Bluetooth which
are already there for almost all smart devices. We propose a new acoustic transmission
technique to set up Bluetooth connection between user device and MVP device in a very
short time, and use public key certificate to create a secure channel to transmit check-in
data. The check-in process will be carried out automatically by our MVP device. We
have implemented our MVP system and demonstrated it with off-the-shelf smartphones
to check into Facebook and Weibo, two of the biggest social networking sites in the world.
The results show that we can finish a text-only check-in in less than 5 seconds, and a
photo check-in within 8 seconds.
Appears in Collections:Thesis