Title: 建構模擬遊戲與空間能力、視空間建構能力的關聯性
Research on the Relationship among Construction Games, Spatial Ability, and Reconstruction Ability
Authors: 蔡承佑
Tsai, Cheng-You
Keywords: 建構模擬遊戲;空間能力;視空間建構能力;遊戲經驗;解謎;construction simulation games;spatial ability;reconstruction ability;game experience;puzzle
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 本研究旨在透過遊玩建構模擬遊戲來找出此類型遊戲與空間能力的相關性,遊戲採用<當個創世神>(Minecraft),遊戲是由一個個小立方體空間組成的世界,每個物體都佔有一個立方體空間,玩家可以拆下拿取物體,也可以將物體放到空間上。透過這樣的行為,玩家能建造各種外貌不同的建築物、雕像、地形。除此之外,遊戲中有一個紅石系統,能讓玩家製作可動機關,包括自動門、電梯、陷阱。上述兩部份為構成大部分建構模擬遊戲的主要特色,也就是建造與謎題,在一個空間內配置物體為建造;配置的物體會需要考慮到交互關係,適當的配合能升高遊戲結果或達成某種目的,這是謎題的部份。   將這兩部份特別挑出分開做研究,設計成兩組與一組不玩遊戲的對照組。兩組設計方式其中一組為在一個空白的平地上自由建照,另一組為完成紅石機關。每組進行三次的空間能力測驗,分別計算出短期與長期的成果。   研究結果為: 1. 遊玩建構模擬類型遊戲對空間能力以及視空間建構能力有所幫助。 2. 建構模擬類型遊戲中的建築與解謎元素皆能對空間能力與視空間建構能力有所幫助。 3. 玩家的空間能力高低與遊戲表現無明顯相關。 4. 玩家的空間能力高低與遊玩熱誠也無明顯相關。
This study is dedicated to investigate the relationship among construction games, spatial ability, and reconstruction ability. <Minecraft> is our target to study. This game has 3D worlds which are compose of many little cubes. Every item in this world occupies one cube. Players can take these items from world to their bag, and then place it to another place. Players can construct any kind of buildings, statues, or terrains by this action. In addition, this game has a system called Redstone. This system allows players make movable mechanisms, like automatic doors, elevators, and traps. The above two parts are important feature in almost all the construction simulation games. These two parts are constructions and puzzles. Construction is deploying items in a space. Puzzle is to make higher scores or achieve some goals through considering the interaction among the items’ place.   In this study we divide subjects into 3 groups according the features of construction games. We made group1 as a control group. We ask group2 to construct buildings on a flat plain. And demand group3 to complete Redstone mechanisms. All three groups take 3 spatial ability tests to calculate the effect of playing games in both of short term and long term. The results are as follow: 1. Playing construction simulation games can enhance spatial ability and reconstruction ability. 2. The two features, construction and puzzle, has the same positive effects on spatial ability and reconstruction ability. 3. Players’ spatial ability is not related to the performance in game. 4. Players’ spatial ability is not related to the game enthusiasm.
Appears in Collections:Thesis