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dc.contributor.authorChuang, Wei-Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorChao, Chang-Poen_US
dc.contributor.authorYoung, Kuu-Youngen_US
dc.description.abstractThe problem of aging population becomes more and more serious in Taiwan. Accompanying with aging population, multi-chronic diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), have received much attention. In clinical practices, deep brain stimulation system is often utilized for PD treatment. In deep brain stimulation, how to select suitable stimulation location and parameters for better therapy efficiency are very critical. Based on these motivations, the dissertation is dedicated to exploring the selection of optimal stimulation location and the adjustment of optimal stimulation parameters for improving the DBS system. The optimal stimulation location is selected via analyzing the neuronal activities in the subthalamic nucleus of a patient with PD in general anesthesia with median-nerve stimulation and identifying the neurons related to motor control. The analysis shows that spiking patterns and power spectrum density of neuronal activities vary evidently with median-nerve stimulation. The variety can be taken as features to determine the stimulation electrode location. The approach also addresses the challenge of limited spatial freedom in deep brain stimulation system. In addition, a computerized model of brain-electrode interface is established for optimal stimulation parameters adjustment. Through the model, the amount of stimulation region can be estimated by finite element analysis and further utilized to determine stimulation parameters via the optimization scheme. Moreover, the relationship between stimulation parameters and patient’s clinical motor response is explored in vivo test. The experimental results show that patients treated with adjusted stimulation parameters can achieve the goals of maximizing therapy benefit, minimizing side effects and minimizing power consumption of the battery. Through the study of selecting optimal stimulation location and adjusting optimal stimulation parameters, it provides the DBS system more complete functions for increasing the DBS efficiency and further improving the life quality of PD patients.en_US
dc.subjectDeep Brain Stimulation Systemen_US
dc.subjectParkinson’s Diseaseen_US
dc.subjectSubthalamic nucleusen_US
dc.subjectOptimal stimulation locationen_US
dc.subjectOptimal stimulation parametersen_US
dc.title深腦刺激系統應用於帕金森氏病之 模擬、分析與控制zh_TW
dc.titleModeling, Analysis and Control of Parkinson’s Disease Utilizing Deep Brain Stimulation Systemen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis