Title: 形,勢 ─ 數位思維下之動態設計
Form & Force: The Dynamic Design Under Digital Thinking
Authors: 楊則孝
Yang, Che-Hsiao
Hou, June-Hao
Keywords: 數位建築;數位構築;衍生式設計;雙金屬;digital architecture;digital fabrication;generative design;bimetal
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 數位一詞在建築設計領域經常被置放在三個與設計實踐緊密相關的定位,其一,作為最具效能之工具,快速生產建築之分身,取代製圖、模型、透視等建築再現途徑。其二,藉由運算作為強大的分析工具,精確模擬複雜之幾何、物理性質,再輔以CAM( 電腦輔助製造Computer-Aided Manufacturing, CAM)技術,大幅提升建築營造之效率與可能性。其三,輔助設計者將模糊概念藉由程式化、參數化運算,轉化為具體幾何形式,大幅容忍傳統技法在合理時間成本中無法企及之設計複雜度,甚至在多重參數定義下,以模組方式混合出自動生成之備選方案,如此的設計流程轉變,啟發了本設計論文的主要概念——「形,勢」。 「形,勢」二字取自《孫子·虛實》:「夫兵形象水,水之行,避高而趨下;兵之形,避實而擊虛。水因地而制流,兵因敵而制勝。故兵無常勢,水無常形,能因敵變化而取勝者,謂之神。」當今數位設計影響建築形式甚巨,其中大幅度改變當代設計流程中形式生成之原創脈絡的便是藉由「動態變化」而生成「新形式」的法則,這裡我以「形,勢」稱之,並將此現象轉化為設計概念,這些法則透過參數定義與運算呈現出實際可變動的裝置,或是帶有動態傾向的造型。本研究透過三大主題探討動態變化與「形,勢」之呈現,詮釋數位思維下之設計實踐。 首先,為衍生式設計之實驗性作品,以一件變形雕塑呈現,預示變形物件介入空間,影響活動、感知的可能性;其次,面對空間,將別墅視為一連串生活機能組構而成的內向物件,以人在空間中的活動為基礎,探討實體生活空間的連續性與離散性。第三,基於智慧材料熱雙金屬,研究在不額外耗能的前提之下以機構設計達成動態感應之成果,以單元形式發展出隨環境反應之溫度、氣流感知裝置。
The term "digitalization" plays three different roles in architectural design. First, as an efficient tool, digitalization produces architecture representations rapidly, replacing traditional drawings, modeling, perspective, etc. Second, digitalization is a powerful analyzing tool for computation and simulates the complexity of geometries and physical conditions. With the help of CAM technology, it increases performance and possibilities of architectural manufacturing. The last role is to transfer a blur concept through programing and parameterization into actual geometries which endures highly complicated designs in a reasonable time. This was impossible by traditional technics. Moreover, one can create a mixture of numerous modules and generate blended alternatives automatically by defining multiple parameters. The main concept of my design thesis is inspired by the changing process of generative design. The two characters, “形,勢”, are chosen from “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, “As water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions.” “形,勢”means “shape and condition in a constant changing circumstance.” Digital design has affected the styles of modern architecture dramatically. Generating new styles through dynamic transformation changed the traditional design process. In this thesis I regard it as “形,勢”, a design concept inspired from this changing phenomenon which creates an actual kinetic device or a simply dynamic form through parameterizing and computing. This thesis interprets design practice under digital thinking and is dedicated to the concept of dynamic transformation and the presenting of “形,勢”by three major projects. The first project is an experimental work of generative design, which is a transformable sculpture demonstrating how an object in space can affect human activities and sensibilities. The second project explores the continuity and discreteness of living space by regarding a villa as an object which contains a series of life function. The third project includs two sculpture-like devices , which are assembled by many standard units and built by the smart material, bimetal. The transformation of these objects reflect the changing surrounding temperature and airflow while acting as an environmental sensing device.
Appears in Collections:Thesis