Title: 1. 以二甲基甲醯胺調控醣基化反應合成2,6-雙去氧-a-醣苷鍵,並延伸至一鍋化、迭代醣基化反應。2. 利用保護基Picolinoyl -對醣受體產生遠端引導效應合成去氧-b-醣苷鍵
1.Apply DMF-Modulated Glycosylation to 2,6-dideoxy-a-glycoside synthesis and Extend to the One-Pot Iterative Glycosylation. 2.Development of Remote Picolinoyl-assisted Acceptor Delivery Glycosylation for Deoxy-b-glycoside.
Authors: 芮致恆
Ruei, Jyh-Herng
Mong, Kwok-Kong Tony
Keywords: 醣基化反應;glycosylation
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 去氧醣在許多的抗生素以及藥物分子中都扮演著重要的腳色。然而,因為去氧醣的特性使它在化學合成與控制上有許多困難,如何有效率的合成去氧醣以及含去氧醣的寡醣是醣化學領域中很熱門的課題。
Deoxysugars play an important role in many antibiotic and pharmaceutical molecules. Therefore, chemical synthesis of 2-deoxy- and 2,6-dideoxyglycoside-containing oligosaccharides are always an interesting topic in carbohydrate field.
Our group have found that several additional DMF in glycosylation reaction can significantly increase a selectivity. Recently, we applied this method to different deoxysugars , including 2-deoxygalactose and 2,6-dideoxygalactose. Furthermore, we successfully applied one-pot, iterative, DMF modulated glycosylation to the synthesis of a deoxyglycoside-containing trisaccharides.
Protecting groups are also an important factor in glycosylation. Demchenko and co-workers have found that remote O- Picolinoyl group can mediate glycosylation. Picolinoyl may form hydrogen-bond with acceptor and deliver it to the active site from syn side. We applied this concept to the synthesis of 2-deoxy-b-glycosides.
Appears in Collections:Thesis