Title: Coulomb-eikonal Volkov方法對於強雷射下原子游離問題之研究
Coulomb-eikonal Volkov approach to ionization of atoms by intense laser pluses
Authors: 曾育麒
Tseng, Yu-Chi
Jiang, Tsin-Fu
Keywords: 強場近似;散射矩陣;超閥游離;Strong field approximation;S-matrix;Eikonal-Volkov approximation;Above threshold ionization
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 我們應用Coulomb-eikonal Volkov state來描述原子在強場下之游離現象,這種方法主要對電子的連續態中的一個遠距離的離子位能在強場下做近似以得到一解析解。這個近似基本上包含了強雷射場與離子位能(庫倫位能)和庫倫-雷射之間的耦合效應。
We use the eikonal-Volkov approximation (EVA) to describe atomic strong-field ionization. The basic methods are based on S-matrix and appriximate the continuum state as the Coulamb-eikonal-Volkov state. The main component of this approach is the approximate solution for the continuum states of electrons in the presence of a long-range ionic potential and a strong laser field. These solutions include the external field, and the Columb potential in the eikonal approximation, and describe the Columb-laser coupling effect.
Appears in Collections:Thesis