Title: 台灣地區高等教育學生利用網路進行學習之認知行為側寫初探
An Exploratory Analysis on Cognitive Behavior Profiles for Higher Education Students in Taiwan
Authors: 李欣
Li, Shin
Wu, Jiun-Yu
Keywords: 網路學習認知行為;認知失調;高等教育學生;探索性因素分析;驗證性因素分析;K-means集群分析法;online learning cognitive behavior;cognitive dissonance;higher education students;exploratory factor analysis;confirmatory analysis;K-means clustering analysis
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 本研究旨在利用網路學習認知行為量表、線上資訊搜尋策略量表(OISSI)、網路自我效能量表(ISES)檢測186位台灣地區高等教育學生在進行網路學習時的認知行為活動以及側寫這些認知行為與學業表現之間的關係。將所得之網路學習認知行為量表樣本進行探索性因素分析(Exploratory Factor Analysis, EFA),結果顯示網路學習認知行為量表可以萃取出4個因素,分別命名為:「自覺認知失調」、「自我調節策略」、「心理層面」、「聲音」。由於線上資訊搜尋策略量表與網路自我效能量表具有原本之因素結構,故在本研究中僅將所收集到的樣本與兩份量表原先的潛在架構進行驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Analysis, CFA),發現所收集到高等教育學生樣本與兩份量表各自的模型適配度指標皆落在合理範圍內。透過K-means集群分析法將高等教育學生分成五種不同網路學習認知行為,分別為:「自律甚嚴」、「知錯能改」、「積重難返」、「不知悔改」、「渾然不知」。研究結果顯示,不同網路學習認知行為風格學生在線上資訊搜尋策略使用、網路自我效能以及學業表現上有所差異:「自律甚嚴」、「知錯能改」組別學生較會採用自我調節策略和利用罪惡感、成就感之心理因素幫助自己減少認知失調情況,且在線上探索時會使用較高階的搜尋技巧,因此在期末成績表現最好;「積重難返」、「不知悔改」兩組學生都屬於具有嚴重認知失調和受聲音干擾情況,且對於自己在溝通面向上具有高度自我效能,因此在成績表現上不甚理想;「渾然不知」組別學生對於自身的學習狀況完全不甚了解,進而不會採用任何學習策略幫助自己,導致該組別學生在期末成績表現最差。
The purpose of this study was to employ the Online Metacognition Scale, the Online Information Searching Strategies Inventory (OISSI) and the Internet Self-Efficacy Scale (ISES) to investigate 186 Taiwan higher education students’ cognitive behavior profiles when they were studying on the Internet. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) results of Online Metacognition Scale show four factors including "perception of network cognitive dissonance," "self-regulation strategy", "affect", "noise" were extracted. Because ISES and OISSI had their original factor structures, in this study we used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to test the goodness of fit indices of our data. The results of CFA all met the commonly-used criteria. College students’ online learning metacognition profiles were obtained through K-means cluster analysis based on the four-factor dimensions. We found out that there were five online learning cognitive behavior profiles of higher education students in Taiwan. The results showed that perception of network cognitive dissonance is an important factor for students’ Internet self-efficacy, online information searching strategies and academic achievement. If students use more self-regulation strategies and psychological affects they can have better searching skills and final grades.
Appears in Collections:Thesis