Title: Shopbots:排序搜尋與品牌資訊對價格敏感度的影響
Shopbots: The Effect of Ordered Search and Brand Information on Price Sensitivity
Authors: 周秉貞
Chou Bing-Cheng
Dr. Edwin Tang
Keywords: shopbot;價格敏感度;排序搜尋;品牌資訊;shopbot;price sensitivity;ordered search;brand information
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 在網路的環境裡,消費者面對更多更複雜的資訊環境,也衍生出許多協助消費者搜尋資訊的機制。Shopbot就是其中之一。然而,Shopbot所提供的排序功能及品牌資訊,對消費者的價格敏感度卻有不同的影響。本研究針對這些議題,以實驗方式,操弄排序與非排序、有品牌及無品牌的情況下,使用者在選購數位隨身聽時的價格敏感度高低。研究結果顯示,儘管品牌資訊可以降低消費者的價格敏感度,但在同時提供品牌資訊以及排序機制時,會提高消費者的價格敏感度。本研究的結果可作為不同的品牌廠商在網路購物環境中資訊提供與呈現策略的參考。
In the Internet environment, consumers face richer information than before. Shopping robots or shopbots shortly, provide the product information in assisting consumer to make purchase decision. However, different forms which information presented will influence the consumers’ behavior. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of shopbot’s on consumers’ price sensitivity. Specifically, the shopbot in our experimental setting is a 2 Х 2 factorial design to provide ordered- and non-ordered and branded and non-branded information search on price sensitivity. Without brand information, consumers will pay lower prices in ordered information search than in random search. In other words, ordered information environment will increase consumer price sensitivity. On the other hand, if shopbot offers both ordered search and brand information, then ordered search increases price sensitivity but decreases the brand’s differentiation effect. The managerial implication for the study is different companies should develop their strategies of pricing according to their brand position.
Appears in Collections:Thesis