标题: KSR案后美国法院非显而易知判决之实证研究
Post-KSR Empirical Analysis of Non-Obviousness Standard in US Courts
作者: 李育庆
Yu-Ching Lee
Shang-Jyh Liu
关键字: 专利;显而易知;实证研究;KSR;patent;obvious;empirical analysis;empirical study;KSR
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 自美国最高法院于2007年4月30日针对KSR Intern. Co. v. Teleflex Inc.一案做出判决后,一般认为,未来法院在判断专利非显而易知性的标准上将比KSR案宣判前来得严格,而专利被判断为显而易知的比例也将大幅提高。然而本研究发现,KSR案之后,被联邦巡回上诉法院(CAFC)判断为显而易知的专利数比例并没有明显提高,而被地方法院判断为显而易知的专利数比例,也只有微幅上升。KSR Standard虽然是非显而易知性判断的重要考量,但并非压倒性的因素。不论是CAFC还是地方法院,利用KSR Standard来判断非显而易知性的比重,皆未超过三成,该案所建立的原则,并不是导致专利被判断为显而易知的主要原因。截至目前为止,KSR案对于美国法院在判断专利非显而易知性标准上所造成之影响,并未如想像中来的大。
Since the US Supreme Court entered judgment in the case "KSR Intern. Co. v. Teleflex Inc." on April 30th 2007, it has been commonly believed that the courts will elevate the non-obviousness requirement of patentability in the future, and that the proportion of the obvious patents will increase significantly. However, this empirical study reveals differently. The percentage of the obvious patents judged by CAFC didn’t increase notably while that by the district courts only ascended a small portion, as contrast to prior KSR cases. Althouh the KSR Standard is important in deciding obviousness, it is not considered an overwhelming factor. Neither the CAFC nor the district courts would rely predominantly on the KSR standard to decide the obviousness of patentability. As a whole, the KSR standard has been utilized less than 30% of all the factors considered. It plays a fairly small role in the court’s decisions of non-obviousness. Therefore, the KSR Standard is not the main reason to raise the obviousness findings. It is concluded that the KSR decision has not made as great an impact on the non-obviousness requirement as predicted.


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