Title: 從功能層級策略探討高科技廠商之競爭優勢 - 以新竹科學園區A藍芽無線通訊公司為例
A Study of the Competitive Advantage through Functional-Level strategy – A Case Study of a Bluetooth Company in Hsinchu Science Park
Authors: 何明耀
Keywords: 藍芽無線通訊;競爭優勢;事業層級策略;功能層級策略;競爭策略;Bluetooth;competitive advantage;business-level strategy;function-level strategy;competitive strategy
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 本論文的構成大綱,依據所附的目錄分成不同的章節加以闡述。首先,將本論文的研究背景與動機、研究目的、範圍與對象、研究架構、研究方法及流程,給予一個清楚的規範及說明。其次,對於本研究所應用到的競爭策略理論及分析工具,做一般性的回顧。接著,就藍芽無線通訊產業做一個概略的介紹,並針對其產業特性、應用產品分布與市場規模等做進一步闡述。 本研究以新竹科學園區A通訊公司為研究個案,進行理論與實務的探討。首先,簡要說明該公司的創立過程,並就公司在尚未採取任何競爭策略前,所面臨的藍芽無線通訊產業環境進行外部分析,藉此了解外在環境的機會與威脅。然後,就該公司內部運作狀況做一內部分析,以了解公司在未採行任何策略方案前所具有的優勢與劣勢。 本研究採用Hill&Jones的策略邏輯思考方式為研究架構,主要探討Hill&Jones的策略管理理論結合相關的分析技巧,應用於公司的策略構想與執行上。公司設定「於最短的時間內損益兩平」為獲利目標,進而根據外部與內部分析結果,決定公司的事業層級策略,推而擬定生產、銷售、人資、研發及財務等功能層級策略,並加強所欠缺的資源及能力,徹底的執行。最後,以數個財務指標作策略執行前後的比較,藉此確定策略執行成效顯著。 研究結果顯示,Hill&Jones的策略邏輯思考流程,可以用於解決公司短期損益兩平策略的擬定與執行。從執行成果來看,效果應屬顯著。
A strategic decision procedure is conducted during this paper. And the procedures are based on Hill & Jones strategic management concept and Industry life cycle analysis, SWOT analysis and Michael Porter five force analysis. It also provides a brief introduction to Bluetooth industry, global Bluetooth market forecast, products category and application products. Case study company will be focused on Bluetooth company A in Hsinchu Science Park. Company A history and related company profiles will be introduced for background study. Outside environment analysis and inside company capability and resource analysis are based on above analytic tools. The whole company strategies are divided into business and functional levels. Firstly, business level strategy has been defined according to above analysis result. Then, functional level strategy will be conducted and some financial statistics factors will be proposed for result evaluation. The conclusion is Hill & Jones strategic management concept can be used for developing strategies for break-even financial target. The financial statistics factors show the overall performance is excellent.
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