Title: | 承攬運送業之組織結構與顧客服務績效關係探討 A Study of Relationships between Organizational Structure Analysis of Freight Forwarder |
Authors: | 趙淑慧 Shu-Hui Chao 許鉅秉 Jiuh-Biing Sheu 管理學院運輸物流學程 |
Keywords: | 承攬運送業;組織結構;顧客服務績效;Freight Forwarder;Organizational Structure;Customer Service Performance |
Issue Date: | 2004 |
Abstract: | 基於人才是企業之資產,而如何使這些資產發揮全面最大之綜效,貫徹組織執行力,則有賴一適當的組織結構。而承攬運送業囊括國際物流業之起點與終點,是物流相關產業中最有潛能發展成第四方物流(Fourth Party Logistics)者,故在此之前,要進行全球佈局,為全球化作準備,思考規劃一適當織組織結構便成為當前重要之課題。
本研究之資料蒐集方法為封閉式之問卷調查法,針對研究對象 - 台灣地區之承攬運送業進行全面普查,問卷對象以承攬運送業之負責人或高階主管為主;資料分析係採用SPSS for Windows 軟體進行統計分析,有量表信度分析、因素分析、次數分配、敘述性統計分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等。
1、 建議承攬運送業,應朝向分權化、正式化與整合化的組織結構,以提高整體顧客服務績效。
2、 採用矩陣別的組織型態較適於推動組織分權化,混合別的組織型態是較適合於推動組織結構之正式化與整合化。
3、 對於規模夠大的承攬運送業,建議採用矩陣別的組織型態,以提高整體顧客服務績效。
4、 因此,整體而言,建議承攬運送業,要國際化與朝向專業物流邁進,則組織必須變革,現階段之組織宜採矩陣別組織型態,並加速組織之分權化、正式化與整合化,以提高整體顧客服務績效及提高競爭力。 Organizational structure of business is vital to customer service performance. This is particularly true in logistics and related industries, such as freight forwarders, which aim to provide logistics-related services to customers. Accordingly, four related issues are investigated in this study:(1) the context of the freight forwarders; (2) organizational form; (3) three factors of organizational structure; (4) customer service performance, to find out appropriate organizational structure suitable for the development of fourth party logistics. In this study, the questionnaire survey method was used to collect data from the executive managers of 975 freight forwarders in Taiwan, and then the survey data were analyzed using the existing analytical tools, including reliability analysis, factor analysis, frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA analysis and regression analysis. According to the conclusions, the decentralization-typed organization with the Matrix structure is most advantageous in enhancing freight forwarders’ customer service performance; however the Hybrid structure is good for enterprises’ formalization and integration. The above generalization may particularly hold to those freight forwarder companies with a large size. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77863 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |