標題: 基於本體論的DNS網路服務系統之研製
Design and Implementation of Ontology-Based DNS Web Services
作者: 劉建良
Chien-Liang Liu
Shian-Shyong Tseng
關鍵字: 網域名稱伺服系統;專家系統;知識擷取;知識本體;規則擷取;DNS;Knowledge-based System;Knowledge Acquisition;Ontology;Rule Extraction
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 領域名稱伺服系統 (Domain Name System,以下簡稱DNS) 是現今網際網路基礎設施的重要環節之一。然而,目前市面上卻很少以DNS 為主的專業網站。另外,隨著新的網路應用 (比如說IPv6 或是 ENUM)出現,DNS 的管理也變的更加複雜。我們在 2003 年提出一套智慧型DNS整合管理系統 (iDNS-MS)的架構,並據以實作出一套實驗系統,開放於網路上面,提供給因為DNS系統管理問題而求助無門,以及其他希望了解更多 DNS 統合知識的網友,透過線上操作與學習,能夠學到更完整的DNS 管理知識,得以掌握所管理系統的狀況,進而改善系統整體的服務效能。雖然 DNS 診斷系統可以提供使用者關於 DNS 問題所需要的建議,然而這樣的建議往往都是需要擁有相當的 DNS 背景知識才有辦法確切的瞭解。因此,與DNS診斷系統結合之DNS 教學系統是非常需要的。除如何提供個人化的學習環境,規劃參考個人特質之適性化學習環境對於學生學習與教學教材的重複使用性與透通性也非常的重要;由於 SCORM即可重複使用既有的教材,因此我們採用SCORM 作為網路教學系統平台。另外除了診斷系統與教學系統之外,我們以DNS 本體論架構作為背景知識,提出一個基於DNS 本體論的三層式搜尋系統架構來輔助資料搜尋;三層式架構包含表現層、邏輯層與資料層,經由不同層次的分工可以讓整個架構更彈性並且擁有高度的可重複使用性。在本論文中,我們著重在使用專家系統與本體論技術來設計與實做包含診斷系統,教學系統與搜尋系的DNS 知識入口網站。
從 2003 年iDNS-MS開始對外提供服務而且收到的反應大都是正面的;所以基於 DNS 本體論來建構專家系統是可以得到不錯的成效的;透過整合診斷服務、教學服務與搜尋服務的 DNS 知識入口網站將可以把 DNS 知識做更大程度的分享與使用。另外,只要再稍加修改,同樣一套開發模式與所發展的技術,應該可以套用到許多科學及工程領域,來進行系統知識的擷取與類似專家系統的開發。
The Domain Name System (DNS) is an essential part of the Internet infrastructure. However, few DNS professional web services can provide the DNS related knowledge. In addition, the new trend of DNS (such as IPv6 and ENUM) makes DNS management more complex. In 2003, we proposed a unifying intelligent system for DNS management, which provides the framework for DNS-related services. Although the diagnosis service could provide some suggestion about the DNS problem, for some novice DNS administrators, the suggested information is not enough. General speaking, the suggested information is not self-explanatory and often needs some DNS background knowledge to understand. Therefore, in addition to the online DNS diagnosis results, the DNS-related tutoring materials would also be required after the diagnosis process. In addition to the tutoring information combined with diagnosis system, tutoring system which could provide individualized learning environment, the reusability and interoperability issues of the teaching material are important as well. Since SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) could reuse existing teaching material, we adopt SCORM as web-based tutoring platform. In addition to diagnosis service and tutoring service, based on DNS ontology as the background knowledge, we propose a three-layer DNS ontology based search system framework to facilitate information search. The framework consists of presentation layer, logic layer and data layer. The separation of the layers would make the whole system more flexible and reusable. In this thesis, we focus on the design and building of DNS portal web service (including DNS diagnosis, DNS tutoring service and search service) by using knowledge-based system and ontological engineering technologies.
We have started to offer diagnosis service since 2003 and feedback shows that the paradigm of using DNS ontology to build knowledge-based system works good and effective. The integration of DNS diagnosis service, tutoring service and search service would benefits the sharing and reusing of DNS knowledge. In addition, with a few modifications, the same paradigm and developed algorithms could be easily adapted to other scientific or engineering domains.


  1. 381101.pdf
  2. 381102.pdf

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